Popular Interior Paint Colors 2025

Popular Interior Paint Colors for Walls 2020The color we choose to paint our home is very important. The colors give us sensations and emotions, some sad and others very cheerful. That is why it is important to use the color according to the profile we want to give a room and then use furniture and accessories that combine with it. If you are looking to give a modern style to the rooms of your home, here we tell you about colors for interiors of houses, walls and popular paint colors 2025, according to current trends.

We will show you the colors that important companies have proposed for the year 2025, in addition to the trends that are currently being seen and that will continue until next year. Let’s look at these colors applied to the decoration.

Popular Paint Colors for 2025

Here are some examples of these popular color palettes 2025 that can be applied to spaces, so you can get inspired.

Old rose, beige and grayPopular Interior Paint Colors for Walls 2020

This palette, called Manta, aims to represent Japanese minimalism and Scandinavian design.

It consists of tones inspired by natural materials, a balanced palette of cold and warm tones, very soft and relaxing. It has a great neutral versatility.

It presents muted pastels of gray, beige and soft roses.

A palette that reminds us of ancient decorations, but updated with modern beige colors.

With this type of colors, very relaxing and quiet spaces are achieved.

Earth, green and coral tones

It is a unique fusion of modern design mixed with a boho atmosphere. The result is a collection of colors that harmonize incredibly well. From silky earth tones to soft corals, these nine colors are a connection to the comfort and pleasures found in everyday life.

The tones combine well with retro-inspired accessories and warm and earthy finishes. It is a beautiful and warm palette of neutrals and light.

Blues and browns

Here, neutral beiges are artistically combined with rich blues and mustards, colors that can accompany daily life providing balance and nature. This palette is called Live.

A combination of good taste and very elegant is achieved.

They are perfect tones to create a contemporary space.

Bluish greens, mustards and roses

This palette is ideal for someone passionate and energetic. It is called Play.

These colors are an invitation to play and fun. Energetic and intelligent, this palette has a lot of charm. A fresh and pure white, dotted with amazing bursts of vivacious colors. Its mission is to provide good humor and warmth, and help us remember that deep down we are still children who love to play.

Adding touches of color, whether through a sofa, artwork or decorative walls, is the perfect decision for those who don’t take themselves too seriously. It’s about getting away from stress, having a good time, laughing and playing again. Fuchsia, aquamarine and gold tones add joy and warmth to a space.

Pastel tones combined with bright fuchsia, can be an excellent palette to decorate the home.

GOOD TO READ: 10 Most Popular Trends for Paint Colors for Bedrooms 2026

Yellow, beige, green

This palette is perfect for those looking for an oasis. Inspired by the seasonal cycles of the Earth, it presents subtly rich tones of sea, sand, forest and sky. It’s called Heaven.

It’s about bringing those organic items home.

A reminder that sometimes true beauty lies in the spaces outside our roof and the calm comes from knowing that the perfect is not the only way to be.

BluePopular Interior Paint Colors for Walls 2020

Klein blue

The primary colors, red, yellow and blue klein also return.

Navy blue

This house shows the intention of remembering the colors of the ocean. With this beautiful color, the details of natural wood and mint green are highlighted.

Light blue cake

This blue-blue in aged tone brings a lot of serenity. For this reason, it is ideal for the bedrooms or for any room in the home where we want to create a peaceful environment.

Blue blends

When only one color is not enough to give the walls the desired impact, you could use different shades of it. It can be used in different patterns, such as painting the friezes, moldings and other finishes in a shade of blue different from the wall, or pictures in another shade of blue to superimpose on the wall and obtain with them a very good decorative trick .

Different shades of blue are perfectly integrated with dark wood floors and bronze details.

They can also be combined with white.

GreenPopular Interior Paint Colors for Walls 2020

Many shades of green are seen, although the tendency is to go from the darkest and most desaturated shades we have seen a lot last year, towards more natural and vitamin tones: sage tones, celery and avocado leaves.

Bluish green

This deep green can be used both as a decorative accent on an object or on a wall. Let’s see some examples.

Orange accents are a great contribution in a space saturated with green. It is the perfect color combination, which contrasts beautifully with gray or beige.

With the wide color palette that exists today, you will always find one that suits your personality. When the colors we like are unusual, it is better to use it in a room that is not exposed to more people than you, such as your bedroom. If the combination is good, later you can try it in the living room or dining room.

Mint Green and Beige

These two colors combined generate a very peaceful space.

Green lime

This color never goes out of style. You can use it to give more strength and impact to your home, than the neutral colors you already know. Although we know that the result is safe with neutrals, it is sometimes good to change.

This image shows us how a strong color on the wall can be the most important decorative tool in the whole room, since the furniture, as you can see, is still not something remarkable, but nevertheless, everything is better with an intense background .

Blue and green

When combined with black and white accessories, green and blue look perfect and in harmony.

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Red and purplePopular Interior Paint Colors for Walls 2020

Warm and earthy tones are also in fashion, but increasingly bright: orange and burgundy red.

Lilac cake

In addition to being modern it is very original, it is an intermediate color between lilac and gray. The lilac walls can be combined with mint and peach, two trendy shades today. It also combines very well with its opposite color, burnt orange. Combined with grays it looks very elegant, as we see in the images below.

The color of the wall can also be complemented with graphic elements, such as artistic photos.

GOOD TO READ: 7 Best Interior Paint Colors 2026

PinkPopular Interior Paint Colors for Walls 2020

Many sophisticated shades of pink took center stage in previous years. These interior paint colors are still valid and we will show you below.

Light pink

This shade of pink is still used.

These colors fill all spaces with light, which is why it is one of the best options for decorating small houses.

 Pink stick

A super elegant pink.

French rose

There is nothing better than a well-lit room, for this reason, the warm colors that allow adding light and enhancing it are increasingly popular. There is a color in particular that attracts a lot of attention that is the French rose, a very bright color and without a doubt, one of the current trends.

Some of the trends are based on soft colors, pastel, many of them are difficult to describe since they are not defined colors, but are a mixture of several. These pastel shades make the task much easier when decorating since they are very easy to combine with other colors.

If combined with a deep mint green you can achieve a retro look, with terracotta tones it looks elegant, or with delicate shades of white a super feminine look is achieved.

Salmon and Peach OrangePopular Interior Paint Colors for Walls 2020

YellowPopular Interior Paint Colors for Walls 2020

Cream yellow

Pale yellows, in cream tones, acquire great beauty combined with pastel tones.

Sunny Yellow and Mustard

Pure yellow chairs can be a bit risky, but here, accompanied by green they look fabulous.

Mineral grayPopular Interior Paint Colors for Walls 2020

The best way to give a contemporary touch to a traditional house is by using grays.

WhitesPopular Interior Paint Colors for Walls 2020

Of all the tools that are available when decorating a home, wall paintings are the ones that never fail. The eternal white color is a safe investment.


Painting the walls is one of the most important tasks to decorate our home. Just by painting them, the room can change completely, looking like a fresh and spacious room or quite the opposite, small and dark. We should only learn to choose colors to paint following the advice of specialists. We will take into account that the soft and bright colors extend the room, while the dark ones reduce it. Following these rules and taking into account fashion colors as a reference, you will surely find the perfect tones.

Interior Paint ColorsInterior Paint Colors

Color is a powerful tool in creating coziness. Beautiful interiors are inconceivable without a harmonious combination of shades. How to choose a palette so that you feel comfortable, can rest after a busy day, and wake up in the morning, full of strength?

How to determine the best interior paint color?Interior Paint Colors

There are many different theories as to which paints to use for certain rooms. However, you decide in which color scheme you feel better.

For example, there are people who love their homes, decorated in black, red and white. And for some, this combination has a negative effect, because it increases blood pressure and provokes an adrenaline rush.

The first question that the designer asks his clients is: “What is your favorite color?” And if family members cannot come to a common opinion, the specialist tries to make friends favorite shades in a single combination and find compromises that suit customers.

How do you know which color you like more than many others? Just select any image that is pleasing to your eyes. Using special services, for example, Bighugelabs , you can define the palette of each image and photograph.

In this case, the program will mix shades and produce an average result of three or five tones. You can see the accents in the original picture and use these colors in the interior.

If you did not find anything suitable, you can use the color wheel. Online services like Color scheme help you find harmonious combinations for monochrome, contrast and accent palettes. In this case, you can change the degree of luminosity of the fundamental tone, dimming or brightening it.

Important! In order for the interior to look professional, it is necessary that the main color occupy at least 65% of the total space. The remaining 35% is allocated to additional shades. And about 5% of the space is devoted to accents.

For example, if your main color is chocolate, and you want to use 5 different colors, then 65% will take the main tone.

In our case, he will have to sofa, wardrobe and chair. A companion to him will be the gentle turquoise on the walls. And as an accent, use orange pillows and curtains. At the same time, a gentle toffee in the form of parquet will appear on the floor. A cherry on the cake will be mint or mustard greens in the form of a discreet bouquet.

Best Style and color for interior wall paint

Each style has its own palette, from which you should not retreat. By putting neon colors in a classic interior, for example, you get kitsch on the verge of bad taste.

Physiologically, a person evaluates the environment as safe and stable, when the darkest shade is underfoot, middle tones are at eye level, and sky-white shades extend above the head.

At the same time, modern interiors suggest that designers like to be naughty and turn everything upside down. Therefore, we can meet chocolate and even black stretch ceilings over beige and white floors.

So, here is a stylesheet and color schemes.

Color Style Combination with other colors Suitable for: Features
White Modern, classic, modern All All rooms Adds airiness and increases space
Gray Provence, Country, Classic Yellow, Green, Red, Orange, Black, White, Magenta Study, living room, room for a teenager, kitchen Neutral color. Suitable for a relaxing pastime.
The black Art Deco, high-tech, modern, loft, minimalism Purple, White, Gold, Red, Orange Large living room Visually reduces space associated with luxury
Red Modern, high-tech, minimalism, classic, art deco White, Brown, Purple, Gray, Orange Living room, kitchen Activates the optic nerve
Orange Modern, provence, minimalism, modern Beige, Black, White, Blue, Green, Red Living room, kitchen Excites appetite, is associated with oranges
Yellow Modern, minimalism, provence White, Gray, Purple, Brown, Black, Red, Blue Spacious living room, children’s room Reminds summer, the sun, uplifting. Often used for emphasis.
Green Classic, Country, Contemporary Beige, brown, white, gray, yellow Kitchen living room, lounge, children’s room, kitchen, bathroom Adds freshness to the interior.
Pink Modern, classic, shabby chic, country Black, Red, Purple, White, Gray Children’s room for girls, living room, kitchen Pastel pink soothes, bright tires
Blue Classic, High Tech, Country, Loft White, Green, Red, Gray, Brown, Yellow, Black Large living room, children’s room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, studio apartment It adds solidity and peace at the same time. Personalizes originality and practicality.
Purple High tech, classic, loft White, pink, green, yellow, black, blue Apartment studio, bathroom, living room, kitchen, children’s room, bedroom Associated with lilac, spring shades
Brown Modern, country, provence, classic White, Red, Green, Gray, Purple, Yellow, Black, Orange, Beige Living room, kitchen, bedroom, corridor, bathroom, study Creates a homely atmosphere, adds coziness and warmth


If you follow the recommendations of designers and use color palettes, according to style, you will always win. Use the color wheel in situations where you doubt the choice of a particular element of the interior. And better – entrust the masters to create a project. In this case, your house is guaranteed to be decorated with taste and in full accordance with the chosen style.

Rules for selecting interior paint colors for floors, walls, furniture and ceilings

So, we figured out which color is combined with which. Next, we dwell on the objects that are present in each room, we will understand the principles of using certain shades.

FloorInterior Paint Colors

There are several unspoken rules to consider when choosing a color scheme for the floor.

Light floor:

  1. Enlarges the space.
  2. It is a reflective cloth.
  3. Can be used with a light shade of walls.
  4. Suitable for bedroom, bathroom, toilet, living room

Dark floor:

  1. It is combined with both light walls, ceiling and dark. But it should be at least 1 tone darker.
  2. Suitable for any room.
  3. Against its background, bright accents look good, in the presence of good lighting
  4. Poor combination with a dark door.

WallsInterior Paint Colors

Walls can be made in absolutely any color. Depending on the purpose of the room used, it can be active, passive or neutral.

Active colors are an accent. They are combined either with the opposite bright color, or less bright, calm.

A popular solution is pastel color walls. They play the role of the background of the main view of the room. In this case, you can use any floor, furniture, ceiling. Since this is a universal option.

CeilingInterior Paint Colors

The ceiling is most often chosen in white or light shades. Since it is a universal color and can be combined with any furniture, ceiling, floor. It can be matte or glossy. If you want to add contrasts, it is better to add a rich color to the walls or home decoration. Can be used in any room.

If the choice fell on a dark ceiling, then it is worth considering several nuances:

  • A black ceiling can only be done in a large space with high ceilings. The minimum height is 3 meters.
  • It is combined only with white and light furniture and the milky color of walls, floors, furniture
  • Minimalism style fits
  • Will create the effect of high cost in a room with panoramic windows

FurnitureInterior Paint Colors

Choosing the color for furniture, remember about 2 basic principles:

  1. It should be darker than the walls.
  2. Lighter than the floor

Further, you can already rely on your own taste and make the combination of all interior items perfect. See a photo selection of various combinations and get inspired.

Bedroom Colors 2025Bedroom Colors 2020

Are you looking for bedroom colors? Then consider the following guide to make a more informed decision for each room.

Colors have their own meanings, they represent and transmit certain emotions. So it is important that you think specifically about what you need, that you weigh your personality and your interests. Are you a rather practical person, do you like design and trends, or do you believe in the emotional connection behind the colors?

Think about what you want to transmit and what you want to connect with before deciding on the color of your room and that of your family. The bedrooms are intimate and very personal spaces where it is necessary to feel at ease and in harmony.

Find out everything you need to know about bedroom colors 2025 below.

What are the most sought after colors for modern bedrooms?

2025 brings a clear and bright trend. The preferred paint colors are neutral, because they are easy to combine. In addition, they create a feeling of spaciousness, elegance and light. Some are beige, gray, and ivory. Are you already thinking about how to combine them? Don’t worry, here is the first tip.

With the neutral color you should only paint three walls in the room. Reserve the fourth wall for a more vivid and softer color. In this way, you can combine the strength and energy of an orange with the serenity and purity of white. Or you can also combine the hardness of gray with the softness of pink.

Scandinavian style is a trend in modern bedroom colors. Gray and off-white combined with wood accents, bright interiors, and brightly colored accent pieces build the perfect vibe for 2025. You can even figure it out with the roller to give it a sense of texture.

Another of the preferences in this new year is industrial design, where gray and brick are the stars of the scene. Definitely, the baroque and kitsch were left behind. If you want to keep up to date, think of minimalist decorations and combinations that take more towards balance, serenity and inspiration.

Color trends for double bedrooms

In spaces where different personalities, spirits and tastes coexist, it is always important to seek balance. Neutral colors are not only a trend, but the best choice for double bedrooms.

White, gray and black are good options if you want to create balance, elegance and tranquility.

  • White is pure, clean, and inspires innocence. It also helps create cool environments.
  • Black is a powerful and intimidating color, but very elegant. A good use will give surprising results.

The advantage of white and grays is that they are easy tones to combine with other colors. Make the most of your imagination and creativity when choosing colors for double bedrooms. If you let yourself be carried away by grays, you could combine it with shades as different as fuchsia, pink, blue or even red. Now, if your thing is security, you must remember that white combines with everything.

How to choose colors for children’s bedrooms

Arousing joy in children should be your key objective when choosing colors for your bedroom. Green, yellow, pink and blue are shades that refresh, stimulate, illuminate and generate tranquility in the environment. In these cases, look at how much light enters the bedroom before deciding which color to wear. It may be a good idea to combine these colors with your child’s bed design.

If the room is dark, use soft tones to create the feeling of light and spaciousness that is missing, such as blue, green and white. Also, don’t forget that you can always combine colors with different shades of light bulbs.

On the other hand, if the room is well lit you can use more vivid tones such as yellow or pink. If you are looking for shades that are not as strong, ivory, beige and white may be a good option for you. These colors help create cozy and pleasant environments.

You can also choose colors for children’s bedrooms thinking about the personality of your children. Before choosing a color for your children’s bedroom, you could reflect on its character, its latest tastes or what tones they prefer for their clothes and personal items. Perhaps this exercise will help you create a closer and more pleasant environment for them. Remember that the bedroom is a personal space, where they need to feel comfortable.

Key features of colors for painting bedrooms

Learn about some key color features that will help you make the perfect match in your bedrooms.

  • Red conveys warmth. It is also stimulating and passionate.
  • Orange helps create warm and energetic atmospheres.
  • Yellow is cheerful, bright and stimulating, so it transmits optimism.
  • Green helps to create natural atmospheres, which generate a sensation of freshness. If you want a room that inspires tranquility, green could work.
  • If you are a person who prefers spaces that inspire your creativity, blue is for you. It is a color that transmits calm and has a very positive effect on concentration.
  • Violet is an elegant, spiritual color, it stimulates creativity. It is also mystical and reassuring. If you are looking for an elegant and sophisticated room, try violet tones.
  • The pink color transmits softness and sweetness. She is friendly and very emotional. If you want to create a soft and liberating environment, pink may be the best option.
  • Gray is very elegant and has various shades that we can combine without problem. This color is neutral, so it represents balance.
  • Brown refers to the color of the earth. It transmits comfort and closeness to nature.
  • Black is even more elegant and sophisticated. Using it can give us very modern results. If your bedroom is bright enough, black could work very well.
  • Beige is linked to solidity and stability. It helps to strengthen relationships and personal balance.

Achieving that all the spaces in your home are pleasant, beautiful and harmonious is possible. Being aware of trends and connecting them with your emotions and interests can bring you excellent results in this task.

Let yourself be guided by the combinations that are in vogue and discover what each color represents, so you will know what you connect with and how to exteriorize it in the bedrooms of your house or apartment. Have you already discovered what your color is for this year? So, get to work!

What is the most popular color for interior walls?What is the most popular color for interior walls

From changing shades to rich, vibrant shades, these are the color trends we’ll see in homes for 2025.

Any interior designer will confirm that color has the power to transform a room, be it an accent wall or an unexpected painted ceiling.

But identifying the perfect color for your space can sometimes be quite tricky, which is why we have decided to search among the best designers and color experts.

What colors will popular in interior walls this 2025?

From rich, changing shades to elegant neutrals, these are the color trends for 2025 that you will be tempted to incorporate into your home.

Pastel colors

The cakes are still very popular, but I think we are gravitating towards the cakes with more warmth and earthy undertones. For color palettes in general, we are using a mix of spring and fall colors.

Intense monochromatsWhat is the most popular color for interior walls

Monochromatic doesn’t have to be pale. Colors like cobalt blue, Kelly green or even eggplant can evoke monochromats in a bold way, full of personality and elegance.

Dirty colorsWhat is the most popular color for interior walls

My new color is a dusty teal. It’s actually an amazing neutral that pairs well with many colors: camel, rust, navy blue, peach, and pale woods like white oak and birch. Also, I love colors that are deep and calming at the same time.

Changing hues

When it comes to painting colors at Clare, we believe in the timeless over the modern. We believe that people will always prefer the most eternal neutrals. But when it comes to colors that have been unexpectedly popular, we are definitely seeing a trend toward rich and changeable. nuances. Current Mood is the number two most visited color on our website and receives lots of love on Instagram. It is also one of the top five best-selling colors and outside of this rich shade of green, we are seeing more interest in deeper, moody colors.

Organic colorsWhat is the most popular color for interior walls

In 2025, we are going to see a shift from the cool color palette, which defined the last decade, to warmer, more organic shades. Neutral tones and warm tones, in places of cool grays and blues, will be much more popular for colors this coming year.

Black and white

The high contrast black and white is a dynamic and timeless duo. While it’s versatile, I prefer a bold pattern, like the Art Deco ziggurat tile, for a bit of drama. The emotional response is immediate and the look is still timeless.

Blue, green and gray

We are adopting rich and saturated blue, green and gray colors that change according to the time of day and the light in the room. They immediately create a mysterious, sexy and interesting space.

Earthy tonesWhat is the most popular color for interior walls

Say goodbye to the cold tones that have ruled for so many years. Shades of chocolate brown, wine, olive green, and yellow ocher are taking over homes. We love replacing these warm, natural colors with a neutral on the sofa or walls.

Blues and greens

2025 is the beginning of a new decade, and in true ‘Roaring 20s’ fashion, we will begin to see a trend toward bolder, deeper colors, accented with a touch of opulence. After a decade filled with all-white and gray kitchens, gray everywhere, I am hopeful that homeowners will begin to embrace color, from nature-inspired greens and blues to rich jewel tones, and take more risks with design.

Interior House Paint Colors PicturesInterior House Paint Colors Pictures


Interior House Paint Colors Pictures


Interior House Paint Colors Pictures

Author and editor. I write about Interior designs, Beauty tips, IT services for business, Real estate and architectures. Strongly passionate about games, comics, art, design, fashion and decoration, I will tell you in detail the best stories in the world of beauty and will guide you through the most popular trends of the moment.

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