The Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

Original innovationsThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

The Scandinavian direction in the season was given the championship. It is replenished with home-style soft “knitted” products. The wallpaper depicts a large knit, which looks very expressive. Showiness will be emphasized by a sofa with a cape of the same weaving.

You can hide from everyday life and fuss in your own little world, full of beauty and brilliance. This will help trendy wallpaper 3D. 3D printing wonderfully transforms space with large-format paintings. A variety of compositions look very believable, bringing an amazing atmosphere to the room. Often these are images:

  • fantastic colors;
  • jewelry;
  • animals;
  • fish;
  • space fantasy.

Preparation for gluingThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

Before sticking wallpaper in the apartment, you need to clean the surface of the walls from the previous coating and level the surface as much as possible. Old paper wallpaper is removed with a spatula, soaking the surface with hot water. If the walls were covered with whitewash, it must be washed out and the paint sanded to improve the adhesion of the surfaces. All cracks and holes left from attaching paintings and other things must be puttied.

Small uneven walls can be compensated for with thick wallpaper. Non-woven and vinyl wallpapers will hide problem areas much better than thin paper wallpapers. In any case, the surface to be glued must be smooth, without roughness, and must not crumble. It is practiced to cover the walls with a special primer, which forms a microfilm on the surface and saves wallpaper paste, preventing it from soaking into the wall.

How to combine wallpapers with each other: we analyze popular methods

Background + backgroundThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

There are many options for such combinations, but the most calm and harmonious is a pair of coatings of two or three shades of the same color of different lightness and strength, for example, medium gray with graphite, light brown with brown, green with dark green. In such combinations, the depth of the chosen color will be fully revealed and unnecessary variegation will not appear. Another option is to collect a pair or trio of one or two very calm colors and one bright one. Let the proportion of bright colors be less than the proportion of calm colors – this will help balance the combination.

Background + pattern or geometryThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

Classic, simple combination. If you want uniform, dim walls, choose companions with the same background for accent coatings, if contrasting, choose something much lighter or darker than the background.

Traditionally, accent walls or parts of walls are pasted over with wallpaper with a pattern or geometry, but you can do the opposite: for example, paste over a niche or ledge with a background, and the space around it with an active one. At the same time, it is not worth pasting over the entire room with a bright coating: limit yourself to pasting only the wall on which the niche or ledge is located.

Large drawing or geometry + the same, but smallThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

Having settled on such a combination, remember: large prints visually reduce surfaces, small ones, on the contrary, make them a little larger. Therefore, for accents, choose wallpaper in a large pattern or geometry, and let the small one act as a background.

Drawing + geometryThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

Such combinations are ideal for classic interiors, where geometry (usually a stripe or a cage) is a companion to a pattern (damask, flowers). Choose a calm, dim geometry – then it will not bother you and will help to unobtrusively structure the interior, which is never superfluous for classics. Combinations of photo wallpapers with flowers, combined in the interior with a stripe, are also good.

Two or three different patternsThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

In such multi-component combinations, the main thing is to observe proportions: the more active the pattern or color, the less such wallpaper should be in the interior. And to make the composition look coherent, choose options that are close in intensity and visual weight. Best way to combine:

  • include accent coatings in the form of decorative inserts in moldings in the interior;
  • spread drawings on different sides of the room, if it is large and has many corners and niches.
  • paste over the inside of a bookcase or cabinet with one of the types of wallpaper.

What wallpaper color to chooseThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

The living room can be decorated in various color shades. Much depends on the chosen style of decoration of the entire room, as well as on the individual wishes of the customer. Consider the most popular color solutions for wallpaper for the living room.

White wallpaper. The white living room will certainly remain in the memory of guests for a long time. However, you should be careful when choosing this color. White wallpaper will not hide, but, on the contrary, will emphasize all the flaws of the walls. Light wallpapers are perfect for small rooms, the interior design of which is made in a minimalist style.

Black wallpaper. Great option to combine with other colors. Black color goes well with everything. The most successful combinations will be with green, golden, white and red colors, as well as their shades.

Black and white wallpaper. Incredible luxury can be obtained by combining white, gold and black colors. Such a living room will create an incredible royal atmosphere. Black and white color is perfect for modern styles: hi-tech, modern.

Brown wallpaper. Some people think that this wallpaper color will be boring, but it is not. The main condition will be correctly combined with other colors. The ideal option for designers is a combination of brown and white colors. Such an interior can be diluted with bright accessories in the form of a lamp or a picture. In general, all brown shades are able to create a soft, relaxing environment.

Gray wallpaper. This color causes ambiguous attitudes from many people. For some, gray is associated only with a dull perception, for others it is the color of sophistication. By default, gray is referred to as luxury and refined rigor. Perfect combination of gray with white and black colors. But for more daring people, designers suggest combining this color with yellow or even purple. As a result, the room will acquire a completely unexpected design option.

Lilac wallpaper. The sensations that this color causes can be compared with awakening nature with the advent of spring. Lilac color evokes calmness and tranquility. But at the same time, they do not cause fatigue, but, on the contrary, they are able to dilute the boring design of the living room. This color can be well combined with white and gray colors.

Beige wallpaper. Classic living room design. It is believed that this is the color of the aristocracy. Beige wallpapers will look great at any time of the day, as they have a very beautiful shade. So that the interior does not look very boring and pale, it is recommended to make bright accents. Most often, a living room in a beige version is preferred by cheerful people. Pairs well with white. Thus, you can highlight upholstered furniture.

Green wallpaper. Difficult color for the living room. Especially it should be carefully combined with other interior items. It is best to choose bright and saturated shades of green. Otherwise, you can create a very relaxed atmosphere that is more suitable for the bedroom. You should also choose the right lighting. Green wallpapers require additional lighting fixtures in addition to the main chandelier.

Yellow wallpaper. They evoke joy and optimism. Therefore, yellow wallpapers are perfect for purposeful people who know how to get what they want from life. Yellow color has many shades: from mustard to bright yellow. A living room with yellow wallpaper will stimulate creative thinking.

Red wallpaper. A color that evokes ambivalent feelings. On the one hand, red is the color of vitality and passion. On the other hand, aggression. Therefore, it is very important not to overdo it with red shades in the living room.

Ideal combinations with white or golden flowers. A good option would be to glue one wall with red wallpaper, and all the rest with white. If you do not want to glue light wallpapers, then you can combine red wallpapers with others, but always with a large white ornament. If you stick red wallpaper on all the walls, then it is better to diversify this bright monotony with light moldings.

Purple wallpaper. Belong to the category of cold colors. Preference should be given to soft shades of purple. So the room will not be soft and comfortable. But be sure that the purple wallpaper in the living room will remain in the memory of any guest for a long time. However, designers still advise making small bright purple accents rather than pasting all the walls with this color.

Types of wallpaper for walls

When choosing wallpaper for walls, it is necessary to focus not only on external characteristics, but also take into account the properties of the material from which they are made. Among all the variety, you can find canvases that easily tolerate conditions of high humidity. Some types can be used for painting, and there are those that fascinate the eye with their luxury. In order to choose the right wallpaper for a particular room, you need to know the main pros and cons of different types, and also take into account that the material must be immediately bought in one batch (it is better to take it with a margin), since the shades may differ slightly in the future.

Paper wallpaperThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

The most “ancient” type of wallpaper, but still in demand. He finds his fans thanks to the cheapness of the paintings. Here the name speaks for itself – paper wallpapers are made on the basis of cellulose with an admixture of glue, which, by the way, is absolutely harmless. This type of material is not durable – canvases are exposed to moisture, ultraviolet radiation, quickly get dirty and torn, but they have a wide range of colors and patterns.

The inability of paper sheets to resist moisture suggests that they should be avoided in bathrooms, kitchens, and hallways. As for the living rooms and bedrooms, here they can decorate the walls, appearing in all their glory, and they have a lot of variations in execution: from bright paintings with a children’s theme to classic designs. Often in rooms, paper wallpapers are combined with more durable material, placing them on the upper planes of the walls to avoid abrasion and dirt.

Non-woven wallpaperThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

Now the combination of “non-woven wallpaper” is found on the market of finishing materials quite often, but you need to understand that two types are hidden under it: the first is canvases made entirely of non-woven fabric (material from cellulose fibers impregnated with a polymer), the second is wallpaper with a non-woven base and vinyl covering. The first, most often, designed for repeated painting, which is a significant advantage – at any time, the design of the room can be radically changed by taking a roller with the paint you like. In addition, the canvases have a textured coating that imitates decorative plaster or ornaments. There are also ready-made tinted canvases with a pattern or embossing that do not need further decoration. Non-woven wallpaper is resistant to abrasion, tolerates moisture well, retains its original shape for a long time, and has reinforcing properties.

Non-woven vinyl wallpapers cope with high humidity conditions much better, as they have an additional protective coating, so they can be glued with peace of mind in the kitchen, bathroom or hallway. They have a dense decorated surface, which allows you to hide small defects in wall surfaces. When installing, it is important to choose the right glue, designed for the weight of the paintings. It is advisable to listen to the manufacturer’s recommendations indicated on the roll packaging.

Non-woven wallpaper for painting can be the best option for decorating the walls of rooms made in a minimalist direction, where exquisite patterns and prints are not welcome. You can leave them in white and paint the accent wall in a brighter palette. At the same time, it is always possible to change the geometry of the room by painting the walls differently. Vinyl wallpapers initially have a wide variety of designs. Their volume, an incredible choice of textures and patterns make it possible to choose canvases for any style decision.

Textile wallpaperThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

Pasting walls with fabric canvases is one of the spectacular ways to drape them. In the production of canvases, different fabrics are used, the quality of which determines the final cost of the product. There are four main types of textiles included in the wallpaper structure: linen, felt, silk, jute. The fibers of these materials are mixed during the production process with synthetic ones, as a result of which not only respectable, but also durable fabrics with a high level of wear resistance are obtained. Of course, the cost of textile wallpapers is high, but their durability balances this drawback.

Like any fabric, textile wallpapers are afraid of moisture, easily absorb odors and dirt, so it is better to refuse them in such rooms as a kitchen, bathroom or hallway. Textile wallpapers look best in the design of living rooms and bedrooms, especially in classic interiors, emphasizing the luxury and richness of decoration. They can partially decorate the wall and ceiling area above the head of the bed or a certain relaxation area in the living room.

Natural wallpaperThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

This category includes bamboo, cork, leather fabrics, which are absolutely environmentally friendly material. Bamboo is made from planks of vegetable origin, fixed with glue on a fabric surface. The basis for the production of cork wallpaper is the cork oak bark. Such material is not only harmless, but also useful for the body, has a unique natural pattern and excellent technical characteristics.

Leather wallpaper remains one of the most exotic and expensive types of wall decoration. They are made from bull skins that have undergone special processing, followed by the application of paint and ornaments. Such canvases have not only high decorative properties, but also heat and sound insulation. They are easy to care for and last a long time.

Bamboo and cork wallpapers are most often found in interiors made in eco- and ethnic styles. They look great on the loggias and balconies, decorate the walls of the cafe. Due to their high moisture resistance, they can be used as a finish for saunas and baths. Cork canvases will perfectly complement the design of an office, living room, creating a calm atmosphere where it is easy to think and create.

Leather wallpapers are quite rare in interiors, which can be explained by their cost. Basically, they decorate separate zones, highlighting, for example, the area at the head of the bed, part of the wall in the living room, combining with other materials. It is worth remembering that leather should become the highlight of the interior, so it should be significantly less than other types of finishes.

Glass fiberThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

This is one of the new types of finishing materials, which includes glass microfibers. Such wallpapers are available in two types – for painting and already having their own color palette. Glass fiber is resistant to any external influences, as well as hypoallergenic, therefore it is suitable for all types of premises. Among all the variety, smooth canvases are distinguished, which are most often glued to the ceiling, and embossed, having patterns and ornaments (such canvases are almost impossible to tear).

The endurance of this type of coating allows it to be used in any, even the most extreme conditions. This means they can be the best option for cladding a hallway, kitchen or bathroom.

Liquid wallpaperThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

The so-called liquid wallpaper, in terms of its characteristics and design method, is more similar to decorative plaster. This is a composition of cellulose fiber and glue, to which silk, cotton, various dyes are added to create relief and colorful design. Cloths have excellent thermal insulation, are not afraid of ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes. Their main enemy is moisture, so it is not recommended to finish with liquid wallpaper in the bathroom or in the kitchen.

The variety of color schemes and textures allows not only to decorate a monophonic finish with the help of liquid wallpaper, but also to “draw” whole pictures, enlivening the interior and bringing to life all your design ideas. Mixing several types of the mixture, adding glitter or fluorescent paint to the composition, which will give the canvases a gentle shimmer, can be a good solution.

WallpaperThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

This is an amazing type of wallpaper. With their help, you can not only decorate any room, but also change the perception of space, which at the visual level will acquire completely different dimensions. Images are applied to various bases: non-woven, paper, fabric (we considered their properties earlier, so we will not repeat ourselves). Canvases can be smooth, have a texture in the form of plaster, sand or canvas.

It is worth looking at the photo to appreciate the artistic beauty of wall decoration with photo wallpaper. 3D images look especially original, creating a feeling of infinity of space. But it should be borne in mind that such an effect can be observed only in spacious rooms. Wall murals can have pictures of various subjects, the choice of which depends on personal preferences, the functional load of the room and style. In the bedroom, most often there are canvases that have a calming effect on the psyche: landscapes, images of animals, flowers. For the living room, you can use more dynamic paintings, for example, images of megacities or abstractions, and in children’s rooms, cartoon characters, fairy-tale castles or sea spaces are most often found.

Natural sceneryThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

Photowall-paper cannot be called a super new invention, but copies of the corners of nature, displayed by innovative technologies, make a dizzying impression due to their high quality. A long-term plan creates a sense of presence in the applied plot. The design of the wall is delightful, like a window that opens up a view of the sea, a wheat field or a lake at sunset. Outlandish inflorescences, honeycombs are unusually attractive.

Photos of wallpaper design 2023 in the bedroom are replenished with sketches of the night sky, stars, moon, which contribute to peace and relaxation. The background of bamboo thickets in a juicy green-yellow tone is in demand. You can decorate the corridor with a green theme, this will replace the plants that do not take root here without windows.

Eco styleThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

Ecology affects all aspects of life, and finishing materials are no exception. Ecological cleanliness never goes out of fashion. Gorgeous natural safe for health specimens from:

  • traffic jams;
  • straw;
  • jute;
  • bamboo;
  • cane;
  • algae.

Special impregnation resists dirt and moisture, so they are used in the bathroom and bathroom.

Cork models are durable, have excellent heat and sound insulation properties. They easily tolerate wet care.


By combining plain canvases and wallpapers with a contrasting texture (print), you can visually highlight or isolate any area in the room by sticking a contrasting canvas. This method gives the space a clear organization.

Combination of printsThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

A less common way to decorate walls is to use canvases with different patterns and textures, but with a common range of colors. The technique is quite complicated, it will not be easy for a beginner to implement it.

Principle of contrastThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

No less bold decision than a combination of wallpaper with different prints. At its core, this principle contains the possibility of a clear separation of zones. You can combine canvases with the same print, but in different colors or bright colors with neutral ones, these are quite interesting ways to combine.

Patchwork printThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

This method allows you to create an original and unique design. For its implementation, you will need wallpapers of various colors, prints and textures. They are cut into pieces and glued tightly to each other. This design is ideal for children’s rooms.

CombinationThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

If you want to combine wallpapers, then by choosing vertical stripes, you can significantly increase the height of the ceiling. If you choose a horizontal, then the space will expand noticeably, but the ceilings will seem to “fall down”.

Choosing the type of wallpaper depending on the room

Living roomThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

Textile or fabric wallpapers are best suited for the living room. Bamboo and liquid wallpaper will also look good.

BedroomThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

Natural wallpaper, interlining or fabric look great on the wall in the design of the bedroom. Read our article on how to choose wallpaper for your bedroom!

Children’sThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

In the nursery, it is best to use paper wallpapers. They can be changed along with the development of the child, without fear that he will spoil them… Children’s wallpapers should be pastel colors.

KitchenThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

Fiberglass and vinyl are the best helpers for kitchen walls. They are moisture resistant and durable.

HallwayThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

Vinyl and fiberglass will help extend the life of your hallway, they are reliable and durable. Natural wallpapers – bamboo – will also look good.

Resizing a roomThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

If the room needs to be made higher, then you need to use wallpaper with vertical stripes on them.

Liquid wallpaperThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

Easy application does not remove this coating from the leaderboard. They mask wall defects, high-altitude differences. The main advantage is the absence of joints. The composition contains cellulose, various fibers. At the dilution stage, if desired, sequins are poured into the mixture for a magical shimmer. In the place of honor are glass wall papers, which are characterized by exceptional strength. After pasting, they are painted in the required color scheme.

Ethnic themeThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

Manufacturers offer modern wallpapers with exotic jungles, an eastern arch from which the Taj Mahal is visible, with hunting scenes of African wild tribes. The picture of a colorful patchwork blanket will suit the Indian style, the imitation of majestic marble will play along with the Egyptian trend. For Provence, a whole range of small floral patterns has been created. High-quality raw materials will serve for many years without fading.

Wallpaper Trends 2023

This year, the following styles in the interior are in fashion:

  • loft;
  • minimalism;
  • eco;
  • Scandinavian style;
  • high tech.

Each of these areas can complement the new wallpaper. They will not disturb the harmony in space, if you choose them correctly. For example, stylists use modern wallpaper for walls of a non-standard shade or with an unusual texture.

They are combined with other finishing materials. Beautiful wallpaper for walls is played with accessories, textiles, etc.

Wallpaper in the apartment are metallized. An image is applied to the base of paper or non-woven fabric, the surface of which is similar to foil. Coatings are monophonic and with an ornament (as a rule, these are squares, triangles and other shapes).

Such a canvas is universal, it is used in the decoration of any room. In 2023, stylists are combining wallpaper and other trendy textures. Properly place accents in any room.

Designers select new wallpapers with drawings especially carefully: if the images are not combined with the direction in the interior, they will break the harmony in space. Prints that are out of fashion spoil a well-designed design.

New wallpapers can match textiles in color or texture, so designers advise paying attention to trendy fabrics as well.

Large designs will draw attention to themselves, while neutral or pastel shades with a delicate pattern will become the backdrop for other accessories. Naturalness and the desire to be closer to nature are relevant now.

This can be seen in the fact that natural wood and stone, natural shades are increasingly used in the decoration of apartments. In addition, stylists offer to buy wall coverings with landscapes or floral ornaments.


The Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

Decorating the walls with photo wallpapers is also suitable for the home. Paper wallpaper in the living room with a vinyl texture. Their surface is usually not glossy, but there are models with a shiny finish. Wallpapers can be made to order.

For example, for a nursery, images of fairy-tale characters, frames from favorite cartoons are suitable, the main thing is that everything is neatly designed and does not look clumsy. In the photographs of fashionable interiors, you can see examples of photo wallpapers and combinations.

3D printsThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

Three-dimensional printing allows you to create three-dimensional images from ordinary wallpaper for the bedroom and other rooms. Imitation of brickwork or forest will look realistic and will become a bright accent in the apartment.

Such wallpaper in the room, made in a modern style, can look different from every angle. 3D images on wall coverings look unusual. Beautiful wallpaper for walls is universal. There are fluorescent models, as well as canvases supplemented with backlight. They delimit the space, create a pleasant atmosphere.

Textile fabricsThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

Textile wallpapers look elegant in the interior of the apartment. They are made from natural (silk, cotton or felt) and synthetic (polyester) raw materials. But most often mixed fabrics are used for their production (for example, silk and viscose). Cloths are easy to use.

Natural textile raw materials burn out faster. The basis for wall coverings are durable acrylic fabrics, foam rubber.

For the manufacture of seamless patterns, a synthetic winterizer is used. New fabric wallpapers are suitable for classic and trendy interiors. As a rule, they depict such patterns: floral ornaments, medallions, geometric symbols (stripes, squares).

Cloths are seamless, their background is made in one color. The fabric with patterns is glued onto the prepared base.

FiberglassThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

There are many wallpapers for walls sold in stores, and when repairing, it is important to understand which ones are best to choose. Designers advise fiberglass canvases. The basis is environmentally friendly raw materials, resistant to abrasion.

This is a budget option for an apartment. Fiberglass wallpapers are combined with various interiors. Static voltage does not accumulate in them, moisture is not absorbed, so fungi do not multiply inside. At the same time, there are many models that are made taking into account the latest trends.

Dust accumulates slowly on the surface and does not need to be cleaned frequently. Therefore, fiberglass sheets are often glued in hospitals. This material for decoration in the house is truly durable.

Color and pattern retain their contours and brightness for a long time. Cloths do not wear out and do not wrinkle, are not damaged when exposed to detergent compositions. You can buy trendy fiberglass wall wallpapers in different shades and make contrasting accents in the room.

CorkThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

There are several types of cork cloths:

  1. With paper backing. They differ in texture and color.
  2. No paper backing. This trendy wallpaper for walls is, in fact, pressed bark. Gluing them is more difficult than the previous model.
  3. Self-adhesive. Modern wallpaper for walls is impregnated with glue on one side. Before gluing, a layer of paper is removed from the base and attached to the surface. However, these design options are not as durable as the previous two.

Masters advise choosing them for several reasons:

  1. Cork is an environmentally friendly raw material. It is safe to use, so it is suitable for decorating a nursery. Cork coverings will not affect the health of the child. This is a safe and at the same time stylish wallpaper.
  2. By its appearance, cork resembles natural wood and looks good in interiors. It is suitable for strict offices, and for cozy living rooms.
  3. Cork has a low degree of thermal conductivity. Such finishing material is useful for home decoration. For example, new cork wallpaper can be glued in a room with windows facing north. They are used as a heater.
  4. Coatings with soundproofing properties are suitable for children’s and bedrooms.
  5. Due to its structure, cork flooring regulates indoor humidity.

TextileThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

Non-woven or vinyl fabric panels still remain at the top of the rating. They have environmentally friendly components, resistance to light and temperature fluctuations.

Prestigious neoclassical interior will be given chic by finishing the floral ornament with elegant gilding. Amazing options visually associated with embroidery.

The aristocratic appearance of the silver substrate for the classic pattern, which is clearly shown by the photo design of the wallpaper for the hall in 2023.

Visual techniquesThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

This season, you should take a closer look at engraving, animalistic paintings and abstraction. Universal variety – geometric and floral elements with blue, gray, white, beige, coffee shades. This choice harmoniously complements all stylizations, from Scandinavia to Shabby chic. Exclusive offers – surfaces with bookshelves, where volumes have a rich flight, or a cozy smoldering fireplace.

The latest trend is geographical maps, executed in different variations – stylized, artificially aged, with human faces. The design of stylish wallpapers is decorated with abstract spots, complex blurry shapes. Geometry is represented not only by rectangles, lines and circles, these are bold inserts and color combinations.

It’s a good idea to go for a gradient version where the saturation of the color softens towards the ceiling line. This decision pushes the boundaries of the square and gives the atmosphere dynamism and originality. The trend is blurry images that a person sees as if through water. Such a motive fascinates and promotes relaxation.

Style directionsThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

Overview of modern styles:

  1. The opponent of minimalism with metal patterns is maximalism, which is characterized by brightness, even a riot of colors. This 2023 wallpaper design is a whimsical combination of colors that looks like a watercolor palette accidentally flipped over.
  2. Hi-tech loves gloss, metal, glass chips, realistic microcircuits or pyramids connected like a puzzle. Neutral white and gray colors prevail.
  3. Brickwork is ideal for a revolutionary offshoot of the loft. The canvases very clearly repeat the rough brick and crumbling plaster. Noble wood, textured leather and stone are not forgotten.

Unusual models come into use, equipped with LED backlight, with magnets, on which decorative objects, self-adhesive films are attached. Having studied the variety of photo wallpapers and the design of new products in 2023, you can easily make a choice according to your taste and wallet. By observing the compatibility with the furniture, ceiling and floor, you can get a stunning interior that pleases the eye and gives the happiness of being in it.

The color of the wallpaper in the interior – the most popular and fashionable colors

There are many wallpaper patterns and themes on the market. Everyone will definitely find a model that is suitable for the desired effect. To make wallpaper a good design idea, you should familiarize yourself with the types of trendy patterns. This ensures that the design is modern and stylish.

Black wallpaperThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

For people who appreciate minimalism and classic solutions, it would be a good idea to use wallpaper in not very sophisticated shades, such as:

  • White
  • black
  • grey.

By using muted colors, the wallpaper on the wall will blend well with other elements – this ensures that the whole design is harmonious and everything fits.

An example is black wallpaper. They fit perfectly into minimalist interiors and go well with beige. Black wallpaper can successfully decorate the surface behind the bed. When choosing such a shade of the wall, it is worth making the headboard out of light-colored fabric – gray or beige.

Upholstery of the headboard with fabric is a procedure that will bring a feeling of comfort to the room and balance the coldness of the black shade of the wall. Black wallpapers look best when they have a geometric pattern on them. Most often it consists of two shades of black – darker and lighter, which give the wall an impression of depth. Thanks to this, the room will visually increase.

Wooden elements and black wallpaper are a modern combination that will make the room very stylish and elegant.

Gray wallpaperThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

This color is being chosen more and more often – especially in bedrooms. Good for Scandinavian interiors. Gray wallpaper in a white bedroom makes the interior much cozier and less chilly. Another advantage of this color is its versatility. It is perfect for any type of floor and color of accessories.

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The most fashionable combinations are the use of gray and pastel colors. Gray wallpaper behind the bed and pastel green curtains ensure that the interior is not only beautiful, but also cozy. When deciding on gray wallpaper in the bedroom, do not forget to choose the right headboard. Contrasting colors will look best:

  • White
  • black
  • green,
  • purple.

White wallpaperThe Best Wallpaper Design Ideas 2023

Another classic that can be considered very versatile is white wallpaper. Geometric patterns focus the light entering the room and make the room feel more inviting. White wallpaper can also be a board pattern that has gained popularity recently. Using this drawing, you will create an atmosphere of summer, a holiday and a positive, warm impression.

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