New Kitchen Decoration Trends 2025-2026

New Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021When you plan to repair a kitchen, or make a plan for a future home or apartment, you should pay special attention to the kitchen. Today, fashionable kitchens are not just a tribute to the present, it is a vital necessity for every housewife to have a comfortable and functional corner for cooking in the house.

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Kitchen design 2025-2026: trendy kitchens and stylish kitchen interiors: photos, trends, ideas

The modern design of the kitchen offers us a huge range of ideas and design innovations, among which everyone can choose for themselves fashionable kitchens to their taste.

That is why today there is no problem what kind of kitchen design to do, how to equip the kitchen as functionally as possible.

Continuing our photo reviews of modern designs, we also decided to present for you 50 ideas for 2025-2026 kitchen interior design trends in different styles, showing that fashionable kitchens can be not only large, but also very small in size, and at the same time look very stylish.

We are ready to offer you fashionable kitchens, kitchen design and interior, kitchen trends and trends in different styles right now.

Trending kitchen design 2025-2026: current styles

Fashionable kitchens are, of course, wonderful, but only you choose the style of the kitchen, and only you create an individual kitchen design in your own home.

Note that today the most fashionable kitchens, small and large in size, are presented in the following interior options:

Kitchen design minimalism;

Modern kitchen design;

Loft kitchen design;

High-tech kitchen design;

Kitchen design provence.

Among the above-mentioned kitchen design options, fashionable kitchen designs 2025-2026 minimalism and hi-tech are very successful, because they are the most rational in a modern, dynamic world.

What trendy kitchens 2025-2026 will harmoniously fit into your kitchen designNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

Each kitchen has its own style, size, color scheme, textiles and decor, functional mechanisms, which determines how comfortable and pleasant your room will be in this room during its operation.

That is why it is worth choosing not only fashionable kitchens, but also beautiful and stylish in terms of external characteristics, because in this room you will have breakfast, lunch, dinner, cook, spend time with tea and coffee, etc.

Kitchen design may include large kitchen sets with upper or lower sections, additional parts of the kitchen, which are located separately, for example, in the middle of the room, or only the lower or upper part of the kitchen cabinets for lack of space where to place other parts.

The modern design of the kitchen can have kitchen furniture with facades of acrylic, plastic, wooden materials. Depending on the style of design, you choose the characteristics of kitchen furniture, the presence of certain sections, their size and color scheme.

Trendy kitchens 2025-2026 can be presented in any color of the palette, but today the trend is white, black, gray, blue, red, yellow, brown kitchens in a stylish design.

In addition to the kitchen set, dining table and chairs, do not forget about the other important components of the space of this room, in particular:New Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

Modern kitchen appliances built-in or made in the original color, in harmony with other details. Wall decoration in the style you like, for example, wallpaper, brick, concrete, tile, stone, painting, piece, decorative plaster, etc. Creating an original apron, developing its design, for example, using 3D drawings, tiles, porcelain stoneware, veneer, laminate. Choosing the best sink for your kitchen, which is very important for both design and convenient operation of the kitchen.

The interior design of the kitchen 2025-2026 will be perfect if you decorate it with beautiful textiles in the form of a tablecloth, curtains, tulle, decorative covers for chairs, if you use the Provence or boho-chic style, etc.

If your small kitchen is part of a studio apartment, take care of a soft, small sofa or a soft corner, which will become a favorite vacation spot for the whole family.

Stylish kitchen design 2025-2026: trendy ideas for small and large kitchensNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

Regardless of which kitchen design you choose, you can always experiment with its contents by adding or removing some things.

Designers suggest creating by introducing original gizmos and stylish finishing techniques into the kitchen space. So, for example, the trend is not only upholstered kitchen furniture, but also original wooden benches, or a radically different option – intricate, unconventional furniture in the modern style.

Don’t like monochrome? To make fashionable kitchens in the original design, designers very often introduce contrasting color combinations, a mixture of warm and cold shades in the decoration of the walls and the choice of the components of the room.

So, for example, the bright red fridge in the black kitchen or a few green drawers in the kitchen is perfectly white in color, looks stylish.

Pay attention not only to standard countertops that are included in ordinary headsets, but also to chic and original countertops with a built-in sink made of marble, concrete, stone.

Do not forget about natural and artificial lighting, installing beautiful and large windows whenever possible, and complementing them with different types of artificial lighting.

The trend of kitchen interior design 2025-2026 is the built-in green corners and even entire phytowalls that will not only transform fashionable kitchens, but also provide you with cleaned air in the house.

If you have a large panoramic window, use the place near it functionally, placing a soft corner on a large windowsill or dining table to always enjoy a beautiful view.

If you have a small kitchen, zone the space as ergonomically as possible by installing different racks, shelves, pull-out mechanisms and transforming furniture.

In the small-sized kitchen, place corner or double-sided headsets, thereby using all possible space to ensure functionality, comfort and coziness.

And now, especially for you, the best new kitchen design 2025-2026 – TOP 50.

The color of the kitchen in 2025, how not to regret after …

Do you want to buy or order a kitchen set, but don’t know what color to stop at? Perhaps our article will help you!

Choosing the right color for kitchen furnitureNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

Colored kitchen sets can create a special mood, so brightness and rich colors for facades are the best solution! When making a choice, consider the recommendations of psychologists and designers.

  1. Want to keep your appetite in check? Stop in pink or gray. These shades will help tame your appetite.
  2. Visually expand the room will help a bright palette. This solution is ideal for small kitchens.
  3. Orange, red and all their shades will be able to stimulate appetite and help residents gain weight. If there are children in the family who do not like to eat, you should pay attention to such color schemes.
  4. Comfortable pastime in the kitchen will provide natural shades of nature.
  5. If the room is lit most of the day, you can safely choose lilac, blue, green and other cold tones.
  6. If you are lucky and you are the owner of a spacious bright dining room, you can choose almost any color scheme. If you are staying on dark colors, try to dilute the interior with bold, bright objects and textiles.

And now the fun begins – the choice of color headset for your favorite cuisine:

Every hunter wants to know … Complex and strict grayNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

Someone will say that gray is a dull and boring color, but designers are ready to argue with that! Deep and warm gray gives the interior a sense of style, sophistication and aristocracy. A little trick: choose the facade of the headset with an eye-catching texture of the material and unusual patterns. Then the furniture will look truly luxurious and noble.

Purple – trendy color for kitchen furniture 2018New Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

All shades of purple have been fashionable for several years. According to experts, they will be relevant for more than one year. Therefore, you can safely order purple cuisine. Do not hesitate, it will emphasize the richness and aristocracy of decoration.

Boring OrangeNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

Tired of dark and boring shades? Choose a vibrant orange kitchen in orange. To dilute the interior, it is enough to arrange an apron or refrigerator in an orange tone. However, it is worth remembering that the “orange” should be in moderation. It can be balanced with gray and light blue colors.

Calm, only calm. PearlNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

Many are afraid of this option. Simple and concise white will be the best backdrop for accented vibrant hues. White blends perfectly with any shades of the rainbow.

Minimalistic blackNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

Do not forget about the black color, which is considered the best choice for modern glossy headsets. Design in black and white style is a century-old classic that satisfies the tastes of almost every person. Interesting duets: black-red, black-yellow, black-orange.

Glamor redNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

This unusual color for the kitchen will stimulate the appetite and create a welcoming interior. In addition, red stimulates the brain and energizes. After a hard day in the red kitchen, the body recovers faster. Note that this color visually enhances objects. Not everyone can be in such an interior, maybe one replacement part of red is enough?

Fresh greenNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

What could be better than natural green shades? That is why this shade is often used in modern interiors. A kitchen in a green palette is able to energize in the morning and give strength in the evening. A light green palette softens the interior, makes it more harmonious. Keep in mind that a rich and deep shade is dangerous because it makes the room darker. The main thing with this color is not to overdo it! For a cold room, it is better to choose a warm mint and olive colors.

The charm of yellowNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

Natural bright shade fits easily into the interior of the kitchen, filling it with warmth and tenderness. The yellow kitchen cabinet will look gorgeous in combination with a wooden tabletop or white stone. An elegant combination will be yellow with a black, red or green tone.

Elegant brown woodNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

A democratic and juicy brown color in the interior of the kitchen will be the most advantageous option. The facade with a wooden texture is combined with any kind of decoration. The darker the wood, the brighter the other kitchen surfaces should be.

The color of the facade is very important in the design of the kitchen. The headset should not be considered as a separate piece of furniture. It should harmoniously fit into the atmosphere and become part of a cozy kitchen! Tell me, did your choice suit you? Write in the comments!

Modern kitchen design 2025-2026: photos, ideas for kitchen designNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

The beautiful and stylish design of the kitchen is no less important and role in the interior design of your home than the design of the living room, bedroom, nursery and other rooms, where we usually spend a lot of free time.

It is in the kitchen that we are accustomed to drinking tea at a conversation, meeting with friends and relatives, as well as preparing such delicious and favorite dishes for the whole family.

Therefore, the design of the kitchen is of great importance for creating comfort and coziness throughout the house, tuning in the right way, inspiring in the morning and pacifying after a hard working day.

The modern and fashionable design of the kitchen is very diverse and can sometimes combine different trends and trends, which, intertwined, create truly unique kitchen interiors.

Eclecticism prevails in the design of the 2025-2026 kitchen, when one of the favorite styles is taken as the basis, complemented by original and unusual elements from other styles of modern interior design.

Modern trends and trends in the design of kitchens allow you to create a truly delightful interior, which is individual and unusual in its own way, optimally “tailored” to your requirements and desires.

Choosing the most fashionable kitchen design, it is very important to give preference to a color that would not only be liked, but also harmoniously combined in the overall interior of the apartment or house, uplifted and practical.

The most popular and most demanded color is the white color of the kitchen in 2025-2026, which is best combined with different interior styles, also makes it possible to complement it with stylish color accents, but, unfortunately, it is not always as practical as we would like .

Equally popular is the stylish and unusual design of the kitchen in gray, green, red, lemon yellow, purple and even pink colors, which give freshness and lightness to any interior.

You can also achieve a stylish kitchen design 2025-2026 by combining contrasting color shades, for example, beige or white with brown, chocolate and other shades and even black, which looks interesting and unusual.

In addition to beautiful lines and textures, the functionality and convenience of kitchen surfaces and accessories are no less important. It is very important to compose and select all the details in the design in such a way that stay in the kitchen was cozy, comfortable and bring pleasure.

In this review, we have collected the best kitchen design ideas for 2025-2026, the original photos of which are presented in our selection, which will allow you to find and find stylish and practical ideas for the kitchen interior.

Stylish design of a small kitchen 2025-2026 in bright colorsNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

When choosing a modern and fashionable kitchen design, we often encounter a common problem of limited space, and most often this happens in apartments. But do not despair, because architects and designers today offer excellent solutions for creating a stylish design for small kitchens.

One of these solutions is the use of predominantly light shades in the design of the kitchen, in particular, white and beige. Visually given colors increase the space, making it more spacious and larger.

But light colors also have drawbacks – they quickly become dirty and are not very practical. For this case, you can choose the design of the kitchen, which combines dark work surfaces that will last a long time and remain in excellent condition, with a bright lower part of the kitchen furniture.

You can diversify the design of a small kitchen in beige or white color with bright details – colorful curtains, lamps and chandeliers, wall decor and other interesting elements of the kitchen interior.

The design of the kitchen in light shades is perfectly combined with many details and interior elements in other colors, which makes this design universal and harmonious. In addition, the bright color scheme of the kitchen will never go out of fashion, always delighting you with laconicism and unobtrusiveness.

Beautiful kitchen design 2025-2026 in bright colorsNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

A bright color will help you create an original and stylish kitchen design, which will allow you to give the right atmosphere, special coziness and comfort in your kitchen interior. Popular colors in the design of kitchens are red, green, yellow, orange, blue, raspberry.

It is necessary to choose the color of the kitchen, taking into account your preferences and taste, because you should be comfortable and cozy, staying in your own kitchen. It is very important that the design of the kitchen is functional and allows you to easily do household chores and cook without difficulty.

Bright and stylish colors, shine of metal and glass – all this is inherent in the hi-tech style in the design of the 2025-2026 kitchen, which will captivate you with modern solutions, practicality and functionality.

The best ideas of kitchen design 2025-2026: photos, news, fashion trends in the interior of the kitchenNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the ideas of kitchen design 2025-2026 in different styles in more detail – high-tech, minimalism, Provence, the classic style of the kitchen, a combination of different elements and directions, the original color schemes of the kitchen interior design, which are presented in the photo below.

Stylish trends in kitchen interior design 2025New Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

The kitchen is one of the main rooms of your house, which is paid a lot of attention, not only because the hostess spends a lot of time there, but also because all family members and sometimes guests gather in the kitchen. If you plan to renovate your kitchen, we suggest taking into account the trends of 2018, which is slowly approaching its completion, and the 2025 new products that designers are talking about. The last few years, designers have been offering white color kitchens. This is not surprising, because white is a neutral color to which any decor will fit, in addition it is an elegant pure color. However, something changes every year and gradually gray replaced white, and in 2018, aristocratic black. Often you can find black in combination with red, or with silver patina. If you are not ready for such dramatic changes, designers offer to bypass the black accents in the kitchen. Since 2017, different colors of metal have come into fashion: gold, copper and bronze, which replaced silver and chrome. These colors are used on faucets, on the handles of kitchen cabinets, appliances and fixtures. The kitchen is the heart of your home. Therefore, you need to organize your kitchen so that all members of your family enjoy spending breakfast there,

Of course, classic cuisine has not gone away. As they were popular 20 years ago, they remain popular today. The trends of 2025 tell us about environmental friendliness, ergonomics, functionality and minimalism.

  • Environmental friendliness. We use only natural materials: cork coatings, bamboo floors and wallpapers, furniture without harmful impurities, water-based paints.
  • Ergonomics and functionality. All unnecessary decor fades into the background. We leave only necessary things in the kitchen, and most importantly, functional ones. We rationally and rationally equip the kitchen interior, especially if you have a very small one.
  • Minimalism. Designers talk about the minimum number of top cabinets in the kitchen, or remove them altogether, or use open shelves.

Everyone is accustomed to standard worktops: worktops made of chipboard, artificial stone or quartz. In 2025, a super novelty is a worktop made of broken glass or a mirror.

Modern ideas for kitchen design 2025-2026: new photosNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

The kitchen has always been considered a special place in the house. This is not only the place where we spend meals, but also the kitchen is associated with pleasant moments of cooking, tea drinking and special moments that are sure to be remembered for a long time.

Therefore, it is important to create an amazing and delightful kitchen design of your dreams that would please the eye and meet all your requirements.

The trends of kitchen interior design for 2018-2025 are demonstrated in very concise interiors without frills and multiple decorative details. On the contrary, the trend of kitchen design is simplicity, environmental friendliness, naturalness and naturalness, starting with materials and ending with shapes and lines.

An important aspect of modern kitchen design is functionality. Of great importance is not only the external presentation and interior decoration of the kitchen, but also the practicality of being in it, the convenience of cooking and the comfort of spending time.

And this means that many kitchen interior designs are made with an emphasis on household appliances and kitchen gadgets. The modern kitchen of 2018-2025, of course, should not be overloaded with many technical devices, but those that are should fully satisfy the needs of all the inhabitants of the house or apartment.

In the design of modern kitchen considerable importance is assigned to the color palette in which the interior is made. Firstly, the design of the kitchen should be in harmony with the interior of the whole house and fit into the general atmosphere of your home. Secondly, a modern kitchen is a minimum of everything necessary and a maximum of naturalness and simplicity.

The trend will be kitchens in bright shades, without bright designs and accents. Such design trends of the kitchen most fit into the motives of naturalness and ease.

How about a kitchen design in white and black? Or a modern kitchen design with gray, beige, cream and milk shades combined with darker graphite and chocolate colors.

Calm color palettes can also be with purple, bluish, green and other tones in the kitchen design of 2018-2025. But with a great desire, you can create small color accents in the design of the kitchen in order to give creative notes to the interior of the kitchen.

In the choice of materials for the kitchen also plays a major role environmental friendliness. The trend of the kitchen is 2018-2025, made of wood, marble, metal, and ceramics. A tree with white finish on kitchen surfaces looks very impressive.

It is important to remember that the modern design of the kitchen 2018-2025 should look easy and relaxed, not be intricate and difficult to understand. Thinking over the fashionable interior of the kitchen, choose a small number of cabinets with their maximum capacity.

Kitchen appliances to create a modern kitchen design 2018-2025 is also important. Choose high-quality and multifunctional kitchen utensils to become your best helpers.

In addition, equip your kitchen with cooking appliances and not only that would significantly save you time, allowing you to more rationally use the freed up “minutes”.

In addition, the lifestyle of a modern person is increasingly drawn to the correct and healthy regime of the day and nutrition, which takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, the interior design of the kitchen should well correspond to this and take into account all your needs, from smart kitchen appliances to finishing.

Multifunctional kitchen furniture with various storage systems, transforming kitchen furniture, a variety of work surfaces will be in the trend of kitchen design 2018-2025. Glitter of glossy and glass coatings is also observed in modern kitchen interiors.

In addition, the kitchen should be bright and as spacious as possible. When choosing a kitchen design for 2018-2025, consider lighting – both natural, such as large panoramic windows, and artificial – lamps, chandeliers, sconces, etc.

Quite often, you may encounter the problem of limited free space to create the design of your dream kitchen. In this case, designers recommend choosing a modern kitchen studio.

A similar solution suggests combining the kitchen with other residential sectors while saving space. And you do not need a separate room for the kitchen.

Zoning of living space into different functional areas is also in demand, especially in small apartments. In addition, much in the design of modern kitchens can be decided by the style of the kitchen you choose – classic, high-tech, minimalism, Provence, loft, etc.

We are already familiar with the main trends in the interiors of trending kitchens. Let’s take a closer look at some examples of kitchen design solutions for 2018-2025 with a photo.

Beautiful interior of a small kitchen 2025New Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

The current motive 2018-2025 for bright kitchens fits perfectly into the design of a small kitchen with limited space. It is in the design of a small kitchen that it is important to choose transformer furniture and a simple interior without frills. The simplicity and naturalness of the design of a small kitchen will, in combination with a light color scheme, make space more and more spacious. The design of the small kitchen 2018-2025 in the Art Nouveau, high-tech, Provence style will be wonderful.

High-tech kitchen trend designNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

Trendy kitchens in the direction of hi-tech will appeal to lovers of the most functional and practical things. A minimum of decorative elements, wood and decoration. Spectacular high-tech kitchens are, first of all, the shine of glass and glossy surfaces, straight lines and the presence of various novelties of kitchen appliances. It can be smart appliances for the kitchen – a smart kettle, refrigerator, etc., that perfectly fit into modern high-tech kitchens.

Modern Provence style kitchensNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

If you like a special French chic, then the Provence-style kitchen design will certainly impress you. Pastel shades of surfaces, floral motifs and vintage elements. Welcome walls with visible bricks, ceramic decor elements, mosaics and a minimum of technical devices.

Loft style in the interior of the kitchenNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

For lovers of an unusual interior, both the whole house and the kitchen, it is worth taking a closer look at the idea of ??designing a kitchen in the loft style. Open brickwork and communications, beams and rough wall decoration are characteristic of the loft kitchen. Along with this – vintage furniture and modern appliances and gadgets that will fit perfectly into the interior design of a loft for modern kitchens 2018-2025.

Art Nouveau Kitchen DesignNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

The originality of the Art Nouveau interior cannot be overlooked: practicality, convenience and functionality, complemented by concise and strict lines, are of particular interest. Wood and metal, glossy surfaces and glass perfectly combine in the style of modern kitchen. Color accents and asymmetry are welcome, which makes modern kitchens in the modern direction interesting and inspiring.

Modern kitchen interior 2025New Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

The kitchen is an important room of an apartment or a country cottage. However, it is not necessary that it looks like a pantry or a barn. Therefore, designers pay no less attention to the creation of the kitchen interior than to the design of residential premises. And one of the main tools here is the color in which this design is made. Modern kitchen interior 2025 – 80 photo examples were collected for you in our article!

When choosing decor elements, you can choose a color so that it does not merge with the general plane, but, on the contrary, clearly expressed, it will look very beautiful and unusual. Below we consider three fairly popular options for the design of kitchens in white, gray and blue colors, we will not ignore the color black.

Modern interior in white colorNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

White kitchens are very popular, although they require special care. The interior of such a kitchen can be in pure white colors, or in combination with other colors. Since the white color is in harmony with almost the entire color gamut, this also allows you to give your kitchen a highlight.

The main thing is to properly arrange this combination. Do not be afraid of sharp contrast, with the right selection it will look beautiful.

Modern kitchen interior 2025New Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

Adding elements of glass or metal, stone or wicker furniture to the modern white kitchen design will give it a unique and luxurious look.

Since the kitchen is equipped with household appliances, it can also become a diluting element, which, thanks to a huge selection of colors and design, you can buy exactly the one that will either stand out or merge perfectly with your kitchen. It all depends on what you are up to.

The interior of the modern kitchen 2025 will revive and decorate any design option for the white kitchen by adding various types of greenery and flowers, placed on the windowsills, on the floor and among the furniture.

All this will help to make the kitchen your paradise, where you can cook, spend time with family and guests, have a nice conversation with a cup of tea or coffee, or just go alone with a book and relax.

Modern kitchens in grayNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

Thanks to the calmness of gray shades, the kitchen made in gray tones turns out to be completely universal, and, depending on what colors and shades it will be diluted, will give an idea of ??the style of your kitchen.

The belief that the gray color is gloomy and boring is absolutely not true. The mood of your kitchen depends on the shade of the diluting main gray background.

In order to avoid gloominess in the kitchen, if you decide to make it all in gray tones, you should use all shades in the decoration – from the lightest to the darkest.

The interior of the kitchen photo 2025 modern ideas, if you do everything right, then the kitchen will perfectly demonstrate the classic style, and the addition of stainless steel elements will give it modernity and excellent style.

To get a calm and cozy atmosphere in the kitchen, a combination of gray with soft shades of the kitchen with white, honey, light wood and much more from the same series are suitable.

Juicy and vibrant shades – red, yellow, red and even blue are suitable for a brighter design.

In addition, gray is a compromise in the dispute that many colors are very delicate and soft, and the addition of such shades of gray will give the kitchen a more austere design. Interior of the kitchen photo 2025 modern photo examples, see and implement in your apartment:

The most difficult combination is the gray-yellow kitchen, since both colors do not like overdose. The best solution would be to add white and chocolate colors to the interior, as this is not quite an ordinary combination.

Emphasize its unusualness follows a more diverse and not entirely unusual decor. Such as dishes, picture frames, and sconces, or chandeliers of an unusual design.

A combination of blue and gray shades will give lightness to your kitchen interior with photo 2025 for modern ideas in a small room. A more relaxed atmosphere can be obtained by combining several shades of beige and gray.

But the combination of gray and green will fill your kitchen with undoubted harmony. And it will be better if there will be more gray shades than green. In the green version, there may simply be decor elements and textiles.

The combination of cold gray with hotter red will also bring a noticeable positive effect, the main thing is to monitor the correct selection of shapes and understand well which of the colors will dominate.

And if the kitchen is small in size, then it will only be possible to visually increase it if gray shades dominate. Do not overdo the decor, as the red color does not need additional emphasis or choose the interior of the kitchen photo 2025 modern ideas in a different color:

So before deciding what color to combine your gray kitchen with, you need to turn on your imagination and do the work so that you like being in the kitchen without experiencing any inconvenience or stress.

Blue Kitchen DesignNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

From light pale shades of blue, almost blue, and to dark blue and midnight tones, nothing captivates with “coolness” more than blue! Traditional blue cabinets add sophistication to the decor, and are often found in stylish kitchens and homes with a high level of interior design.

Often they choose the modern interior of the 2025 kitchen in a new blue color, because such kitchens create a mood, because blue:

The color of the sky and the sea;

It evokes feelings of spaciousness of height and depth.

Blue kitchen, as a rule, will be perceived as more spacious, as if the color itself gives freshness and coolness to the sea. Some say that blue can slow your heart rate, lower your body temperature, and reduce your appetite. But this is not so.

This is a great color for almost any sensitive person, it will give him a pleasant warm climate. Due to its associations in nature, the blue color reminds us of:

about God;

space coolness and cleanliness;

the world;

peace of mind;




Blue cuisines trendsNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

“While various shades of blue can enter and go out of fashion at any moment, the blue color itself is essentially considered an“ infinite ”color.

Like a pair of jeans or a cloudless sky, a graceful blue kitchen can be in very harmonious combination with other colors, for example with white, which interior designers of photo 2025 kitchen advise with modern ideas in a small room.


Red color             the color of joy and victory

Orange color      warms and invigorates

Yellow                   the color of a good, cheerful mood

Blue                       associated with clear water, sky

White color         symbol of purity

Green color        soothing, pleasing to the eye

Black color           depressing if one is used. In combination with other colors, it emphasizes their brightness.

As a rule, bright blue kitchens require special care and attention, because the blue color can quickly become dirty from dust and fumes, which are usually present in large quantities in the kitchen.

Therefore, a kitchen in blue may require more frequent and thorough cleaning. Be aware of this in advance, this will help prevent the wrong choice of interior for your kitchen.

Modern black kitchenNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

Often they choose the interior of the kitchen photo 2025 modern in black – suitable for extravagant people who are probably not considered cozy homebody. The black kitchen can become an additional decoration of a bachelor den.

But let’s not quibble about the black kitchen. A black kitchen can be embellished, diluted with bright or other warm colors, for example, white – after all, black and white kitchens are also found today, although not as often as other options.

However, as they say, “there are widely popular things in narrow circles,” so you shouldn’t completely discount black kitchens of various options! Modern kitchen interior 2025 – 80 photos of the best ideas for an example of how you can equip your beautiful kitchen.

Design of a small kitchen 2025

Of course, all apartments and houses differ from each other in appearance, as well as layout, size. Therefore, choosing a design for your own home, be sure to consider not only fashion trends and your preferences, but also the features of the construction and layout of the kitchen.

Design of a small kitchen 2025 with an adjacent loggiaNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

If you have a kitchen with an adjacent loggia, you can solve the problem with a lack of free space by combining these two rooms. In this case, you should first warm the loggia and replace the wooden window structures with double-glazed windows. The last tip is applicable if the modern design of plastic windows does not contrast with the chosen style of room decoration.

It is not necessary to demolish the partition completely. It can be turned into a bar counter, or used as a base under the countertop.

Another relative novelty in the layout that allows you to create an ergonomic design of the small kitchen 2025 is the use of the space under the window.

In particular, you can install a sink and a pair of floor cabinets. Thus, the real room of the kitchen will be freed from furniture and it can be decorated as a dining room.

Design of a small kitchen 2025: furnitureNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

Kitchen furniture has never been so diverse. Today it is difficult to name a style that is an unconditional hit. Country and Minimalism, Loft and many more design options are in fashion. In this regard, manufacturers of kitchen storage systems present options with a very different design.

However, there are several trends that will make the design of a small kitchen 2025 super-relevant. In particular, the world’s best brands offer “disguised cuisine”. This means that in addition to the traditional facades, they have another large, sliding. It is made of glass or plastic and is “closed” when not in use.

Another fashion trend is the rejection of wall cabinets. True, it is suitable for a small kitchen only if the owners are rarely at home and cook food there only occasionally.

In addition, furniture with a large rising worktop is recommended for such users. It covers the sink and stove when they are not used for their intended purpose. Thus, most of the time kitchen furniture looks like one big cupboard.

Kitchen setNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

As the most bulky and noticeable element, the headset has a huge impact on the interior as a whole. In a small kitchen, it must be neat, with shelves closed, without noticeable reliefs and crevices. Plain facades without handles will give the impression that this is not furniture at all, but just a wall, and thereby facilitate the design of the room. It is advisable to hide the hood, pipes or overall equipment behind the doors.

The simple design of the kitchen set can be varied with the help of an interesting apron, for example, by placing narrow photowall-paper with a panoramic view behind the glass or making a colored mosaic of pixel tiles. Being in a deepening, this site will not be evident, but will give the working space its zest.

Dinner ZoneNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

Great luck if the kitchen has enough space for a full dining area. Alas, small-sized rooms can not always boast of such an addition. In this case, you have to look for an alternative!

A good solution to save space in a small kitchen can be a narrow bar counter with high stools, folding and folding structures. The window sill can also play the role of a dining table, if you lift it with metal brackets to the desired height.

It is also possible to equip a corner for family meals on an insulated loggia or in a bay window.

Storage systemsNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

Built-in drawers, pull-out shelves, hooks and magnets on the doors, spinning corner carousels – all this will make it convenient to place all your kitchen utensils.

Pots, cups, and cutlery are best placed closer to the sink; hide pans, baking trays and molds near the oven, and it is advisable to store bulk products in dry upper cabinets.

For the most beautiful objects, one or two sections can be distinguished, which are closed by transparent partitions – things left on open shelves will quickly fall in dust, condensation and drops of fat will settle on them.

Ideas for placing a refrigeratorNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

So that the refrigerator does not take up much space in your small kitchen, it is worth choosing a tall narrow model with a flat door. Its snow-white surface will ideally fit into the same furniture wall, and chrome-plated or in the color of polished steel will perfectly complement the hi-tech interior, echoing other large equipment.

Also, for small-sized rooms, a compact built-in camera is perfect. It can be placed under the countertop, or raised to a convenient height and hidden behind the facade of the kitchen.

Proper lighting in the kitchenNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

Even in a small cooking area, it is preferable to use many light sources. Mortise point diodes are best suited for this purpose – they consume little electricity, last a long time and withstand high humidity. Due to its small power and fire safety, LED-lamps can be mounted in a headset (the main thing is to reliably isolate the wiring).

Hanging chandeliers in a small kitchen can interfere, but if you still decide to use them, for example, above the dining area, it is better to stop at the simplest plafonds, which will then be easy to wipe from dust. In the center of the room, it is advisable to hang a ceiling lamp with a smooth surface.


Creating the design of a small kitchen 2025, you should give preference to finishing materials in light colors. Such a choice of color will help to make the room visually more spacious. The use of glossy surfaces is also encouraged, although this solution is considered not very practical for the kitchen, as fingerprints remain on the surfaces.

The design of the kitchen 2025 will become more original if you use unusual finishing materials. However, they should be selected again, on the basis of practicality. For example, trendy 3d panels for an apron can be used only if you are ready to wipe them daily to avoid the accumulation of dirt. By the way, the design of a small kitchen 2025 should not be done from expensive finishing materials. It is more advisable to use their high-quality imitations, for example, the so-called flexible stone.

MinimalismNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

The design of a small kitchen 2025 can be made in a variety of styles. It all depends on your taste. However, keep in mind that many areas of interior design require the use of massive furniture, a large amount of textile and a variety of decor. Their choice will make the cramped room cluttered and resembling a store.

The best solution for those who need a concise and inexpensive design of a small kitchen 2025 is Minimalism. However, creating such a design is not as simple a task as it might seem. It is quite difficult to choose a storage system for the kitchen 2025 that would be as ergonomic, compact as possible, and at the same time have an attractive and modern look.

By the way, Minimalism with ethnic accents looks the most relevant. For example, a great choice of design in the Scandinavian or Japanese style.

For “Nordic design”, the use of plain white finishing materials and tiles with the appropriate ethnic pattern is suitable. As bright accents, you can use a knitted rug by placing it on the floor in the dining area.

The Japanese design of the small kitchen 2025 involves the use in decoration of light wallpaper under bamboo or with the corresponding pattern. If you have a studio apartment, then for zoning it will be possible to use Japanese partitions made of wooden battens and frosted glass imitating rice paper. As for the furniture, it should be very simple in shape and made of dark wood.

CountryNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

Is it possible to create a successful rustic design of a small kitchen 2025? It is rather difficult to give an unambiguous answer to such a question. It all depends on your abilities as a decorator. If you are ready to be content with artificial aging of a compact kitchen set and giving it the appropriate decor, then there will be no problems. However, creating a full-fledged village design in a small space is unlikely to succeed. The only solution is redevelopment using one of the methods described above. At the same time, you can separate the working area from the recreation area by installing between them a large sofa or island design with cabinets and a large countertop.

Small Kitchen Design 2025: LoftNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

Fans of laconic design who consider Minimalism too boring will use the design of a small kitchen 2025 in the Loft style. To create it, you should use finishing materials “under the brickwork.” So that the room does not look gloomy, you can choose such textured wallpaper with “peeling plaster”.

As for furniture, it should be the simplest. It is advisable to choose the option with wooden or metal facades and with a design that resembles the appearance of industrial equipment.

Small Provence style kitchen

Typical features of the Provence style are pastel shades, elegant floral ornaments and vintage enameled furniture. In general, such a design leaves an impression of tenderness and lightness.

Small kitchen in a modern styleNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

Innovative materials, multitasking equipment, mirror surfaces and clear lines will certainly add the missing volume to a small kitchen, and also make the cooking process not only quick, but also enjoyable. This is a universal solution for people who live in the rhythm of the 21st century.

Small high-tech kitchenNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

The high-tech design of the kitchen involves mostly smooth surfaces, a lot of chrome elements, mirror inserts and tinted glass. Of the colors, glossy white and gray predominate; blotches of black or blue are also possible.

Small Scandinavian style kitchenNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

Fashion for North European design appeared along with Ikea stores. The Scandinavian style is perfect for small rooms – all this thanks to the light winter colors combined with the natural textures of granite and bleached wood.

Color schemes for a small kitchenNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

Each shade carries certain information that is subconsciously perceived by a person. So, for example, white and pastel tones remind of clear sunny days; saturated – attract attention; dark – as if they hide the outlines of objects in the darkness. Having carefully studied the spectrum, the experts deduced certain rules that should be followed when designing small rooms. The main ones are to use mainly a light palette and use no more than 3 colors at a time.

White kitchenNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

A fully snow-white kitchen will always look clean and tidy. To make it homely, you can add wooden textures, and gray additions will help ease the cleaning process.

Gray kitchenNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

The neutral shade of stones and steel is the perfect solution for the discreet design of a small kitchen. It’s easy to pick up any modern technology. If desired, the gray color is successfully diluted with more saturated interspersed from the rainbow palette.

Beige kitchenNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

Many people like the shade of cappuccino for its practicality. It is quite soft, as well as a warm color, on which spots are almost invisible. White and brown elements look good in beige surrounds.

Yellow kitchenNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

A small kitchen in yellow tones has every chance of becoming the most favorite place in the house. Moderately bright, this color creates a good mood and warms even on cloudy days. Yellow is excellently combined with white, light gray, green, as well as most pastel colors.

Green kitchenNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

The cheerful shades of spring foliage will create a cozy and pacifying atmosphere in the kitchen. The green color is ideally complemented by brown and gray, and especially with a pattern of natural wood.

Common mistakes in the design of a small kitchenNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

There is an opinion that on an area of 5-6 sq.m. absolutely nothing fits and the convenience of such a kitchen leaves much to be desired. A number of errors lead to this.

The first reason for crowding is too large furniture and appliances, which take up a lot of space and do not fit well into the architecture of the room.

A sense of confusion also occurs due to the large number of colors and textures when dishes or food boxes are stored on open shelves. The color dissonance between the walls, the ceiling and the headset also violates the harmony of space.

The pipes of the water and gas pipelines left in sight do not add coziness, and due to the lack of exhaust and normal ventilation, not only the hostess’s health suffers, but also the cleanliness of the surfaces in the cooking zone.

Choosing the right layoutNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

The comfort of the kitchen area to a large extent depends on the location of the headset and the so-called “working triangle” – a refrigerator, stove and sink. Triangular geometry was invented specifically for small spaces in order to simplify the cooking process, to make it more ergonomic.

The main points of activity should be at the corners of the figure, between which the hostess will be able to move freely. The layout itself is determined by the length of the walls, the location of the doors, windows and communications. In tight enclosed spaces, it is best to use structures that resemble the shape of the letters P and G. For open studios, a linear, circular or island version may well be suitable. And if you got a corridor-type kitchen (for example, a walk-in), then it is best to use a parallel layout.

Layout of a square small kitchenNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

For kitchens in which all walls have the same length, a U-shaped design is ideal. In this case, one of the corners of the working triangle will be straight. It is advisable to leave a window seat for washing, and arrange the stove and refrigerator symmetrically, closer to the center of the blank walls. This will provide quick access to three main subjects.

L-shaped layout can be selected if you want to leave a free corner for the dining area. In this case, the sink is installed in the corner, and the rest is on opposite sides of it.

Layout of a narrow (rectangular) small kitchenNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021

If the kitchen is narrow, then for it the best choice would be linear or parallel placement. In the first version, the headset along with the working surfaces is placed along one long wall, in the second – it is better to place a sink and stove on one side, and on the opposite side a refrigerator and cabinets with products.

Layout of a small kitchen of non-standard shapeNew Decoration Trends for Kitchen Design And Ideas 2020-2021
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The open-type kitchen, characteristic of studio apartments, allows you to use any convenient layout system. For example, if the cooking zone is separated from the living room by a counter-worktop with a built-in hob and sink – you get an island type; if this septum has the shape of a semicircle – oval.

Interesting design options can be made if the architecture of the room contains niches, bay windows or ledges. To do this, you need furniture made according to an individual sketch.

Given the intensity of operation, the floor covering in the cooking zone should be as strong as possible, resistant to moisture, easy to wash and, preferably, not slippery. These criteria are best met by linoleum, porcelain stoneware, ceramic tiles, as well as self-leveling floors based on polymer resins.

In order not to “break up” the already cramped space into even smaller sections, the coating should be made plain and the elements should be large and glossy.

For wall decoration in a small kitchen, you can apply paint with moisture-resistant compounds (latex and acrylic water-dispersion paints with the addition of anti-mildew substances), fiberglass, washable vinyl wallpapers, plastic panels.

It is advisable to protect the area above the sink, stove and counter top with a ceramic coating (tile, smooth artificial stone) or tempered tinted glass.

Curtains in the kitchen should be used sparingly, because they not only quickly become dirty, absorb odors, but are also considered fire hazardous. If the window faces the south side, a short translucent curtain (tulle) or a narrow strip of dense material hung by the principle of a visor will help protect against bright rays.

Quite universal options for a small kitchen are blinds and rolled bamboo products. Another convenient solution – folding accordion Roman curtains.

Instead of natural fabrics difficult to care for, it is better to give preference to synthetic textiles (polyester, nylon, lavsan) with water-repellent and refractory impregnation.

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