Living Room Interior Designs 2022-2023

New Living Room Interior Design Ideas 2022-2023There are important trends and ideas in interior design that make our life better, more convenient and easier. Interior design trends are not just about the latest shades or interior items, they are a reflection of culture, modern lifestyles and our dreams.

The interior of the living room in our article will be considered from all sides. We’ll talk about styles, colors, lighting, sofas and various materials in wall design. The interior of the living room in the photo in our article will be shown from different angles.

We will also consider the interior of the living room kitchen – combined functional areas in one room. You will find out what ideas are suitable for living rooms of different sizes.

Living room interior styles: trends 2022-2023New Living Room Interior Design Ideas 2022-2023

Next, we’ll talk about the most popular styles in living room interior design trends 2022-2023. Here you will find great options for families with small children, families of several generations, singles and newlyweds!

The loft style is usually chosen by newlyweds and single people who do not plan to have children. The loft is ideal for studios and micro lofts. Brick walls, decorative brick-like plaster, metal elements, wood slabs can be considered not the most practical parts – they are easily dirty, difficult to clean, and dangerous for small children. All of these materials require constant cleaning. The color scheme – dark, with an abundance of black – is better suited for a young couple or single man / woman, and not for a family with children. The rhythm of a big city is reflected in such an interior in an abundance of brutal clear lines, panoramic windows and ubiquitous built-in lighting.

Modern style in interior design is based on simple and laconic solutions, rectangular furniture, pure shades (white, gray, blue, woody). It is usually chosen by families with small children for its practicality and hygiene. There are no sharp, hard or breakable parts here. This living room interior looks very relevant.

The neoclassical style in the interior design of the living room is perfect for a family with adult children (high school students, students) or without children, as well as a single woman or a mother with a daughter. It combines a love of modern light colors and French glamor.

Scandinavian style in interior design can be either luxury or budget. Depends on which direction you go – neoclassical or art deco; either in country or boho. The Scandinavian style is multifaceted and can have both a white background with bright accents and a monochrome gray and black interior. True, it has a distinctive feature – basic furniture, as well as basic wardrobe and simple decoration.

Retro or mid-century modern is a style that is often confused with Scandinavian or modern. In fact, the era of the 60s has such strong distinctive features that professional designers have singled out such a direction in a separate style. For example, glass-wooden sideboards, secretaries, “office” sofas with low backs and oval armrests, bright geometric patterns in catchy colors and love for wood.

Eclecticism, or rather its variety – Californian style bohemian chic – can be very diverse due to the fact that it combines classic European furniture and ethnic details (from African, Latin American, Mediterranean and other cultures). Such an interior will suit those who are not against a large amount of decor in the interior.

Classicism is a fragile but extremely luxurious style in interior design. It is most suitable for the design of large apartments or country houses with servants. In small apartments, he feels uncomfortable. For them, it is better to choose neoclassicism.

Living room interior design in different colorsNew Living Room Interior Design Ideas 2022-2023

The most popular colors for living room interior design are warm natural, snow-white, with black accents, with bright accents and gray monochrome. You can see examples of these palettes in the photo below. Color in a living room interior is critical in creating the mood you want.

Lighting in the interior design of the living roomNew Living Room Interior Design Ideas 2022-2023

The interior of the living room in the photo may look gorgeous during the day, but it looks bad at night or just late at night. And all because backlighting and lighting affect the atmosphere of the interior by 50%. When planning the interior of a living room kitchen or a separate living room, it is always worth considering this point and creating space for the maximum number of various additional light sources.

Sofas in the living room interior: which one to chooseNew Living Room Interior Design Ideas 2022-2023

The interior of the living room cannot do without a sofa. And even if the most fashionable trends tell us that multi-color, modular, collapsible and multi-format sofas are the most interesting, the most practical choice is a three-seater taxido-type sofa (see photo below).

Living room wall design: popular materialsNew Living Room Interior Design Ideas 2022-2023

The interior of the living room is not only about the color of the sofa and the size of the TV. To create a cozy space, you need decorative details, built-in furniture, attractive finishing materials. We will talk about them below.

Moldings are one of the most popular living room wall decoration options. We usually deal with polyurethane moldings, but there are also cheap plastic and expensive gypsum moldings. Moldings can be made both in the classic style and in others – for example, wood for country style or in metal like brass or gold in art deco style.

Wall painting has completely replaced the wallpaper in the living room interior in a modern interior. It is more practical, you can choose any tone, and the possibilities of decorative plaster (for concrete, brick, stone of any breed) allow you to make the interior more embossed if desired.

Wooden furniture can be part of the living room wall design when it comes to a built-in library. For the living room, this becomes a very attractive solution in any case, because it makes it easy and simple to organize the storage of all small things in the home for leisure (books, photo frames, board games, gadgets, etc.).

Brick-like panels, like decorative clinker bricks and brick-like plaster, are now popular in loft, industrial and Scandinavian styles. The living room interior looks much more original with them!

Author and editor. I write about Interior designs, Beauty tips, IT services for business, Real estate and architectures. Strongly passionate about games, comics, art, design, fashion and decoration, I will tell you in detail the best stories in the world of beauty and will guide you through the most popular trends of the moment.

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