Inspirational DIY Room Decoration Design Trends

Inspirational DIY Room Decoration Design Trends

Our article presents original ideas aimed at making the decor of the room more comfortable. This topic, of course, is especially relevant for those people who live in rented apartments or dormitories.Inspirational DIY Room Decoration Design Trends

Believe me, surrounded by things that keep the warmth of your hands, you will always feel at home. Do not be afraid to create something unusual, funny or even strange – these are the things that can energize and inform others about the identity of the owner of the living space.

Do-it-yourself budget projects selection

So stock up on stationery and craft materials, invite your friends, and create!

To create such a photo composition is within the power of everyone. In addition to creativity, it has another important advantage – mobility.

Wooden boxes painted in bright colors are ideal for storing writing instruments.

Each rented apartment should have at least three pillows with pompons. You can sew the pillows yourself or buy ready-made ones, and then decorate them with a lot of colored pompons of your own production.

Buy the simplest rug of small size and decorate its two sides with brushes of a contrasting shade. This simple technique will turn a mass-produced product into a unique designer item.

Indoor plants have an amazing ability to create a cozy atmosphere. You will achieve maximum effect if you transplant them into the original pots.

What can make an interior identifiable with the owner’s personality, if not a light installation of the letters that make up his name (or at least the first letter of the name)?

At first glance, this project seems difficult to implement, but there are many instructions on the Web that describe the entire manufacturing process in great detail.

Clippings from magazines and photographs will take on a finished look if they are supplemented with frames from a washi tape.

Curtains painted using the degrade technique will turn a faceless room into a harmonious interior with its own character. To implement this idea, you will need only dyes and salt.

If you have the opportunity to have a pet, be sure to do it. The next step is the manufacture of a cover for a stool or puff from faux fur.

Bed linen with a confetti pattern will not let you get bored with a gray autumn day. You can independently apply the ornament to the fabric.

Just imagine how your room will be transformed with the appearance of several such gizmos in it!

Do-it-yourself room decor: decoration featuresInspirational DIY Room Decoration Design Trends

To transform a room, it is not enough just to perform repairs in it. Any space needs a decorative design. If you have a simple interior, bring some unusual or bright objects into it to completely change it. How to do the diy room decor?

Decoration Features

Features of creating decor are largely determined by the materials that you have. So, if you do not have experience in woodcarving or wall painting, there is decoration in simpler forms. It can be felting or quilling. For those who have artistic abilities, batik or painting of various surfaces is suitable.

The following available decoration methods can be distinguished:

  • embroidery;
  • knitting;
  • quilling;
  • wallow;
  • decoupage.

Thanks to neat embroidery, works that transform walls appear. But it must be done in a suitable style. For decor, several embroidered paintings that can be put on the wall are suitable. This solution looks good in a spacious living room or studio apartment.

Thanks to knitting, not only flat, but also voluminous decorations appear. Knits look great in the bedroom. Such a decor of a children’s room involves toys, bedspreads and even curtains that can look very modern.

If knitted toys are chosen as decor, they can be placed on different shelves or on the bed between the pillows.

Quilling allows you to create applications made of twisted ribbons of colored paper. Although these products are short-lived, they are ideal as a decor for a children’s room with their own hands. If the children are small, it is better to hang pictures from colored paper on the wall. So they will last much longer. But if you have a fairly adult child, it will be interesting for him to create ideas and participate at all stages of decoration.

Felting makes it possible to create excellent wall decors in the children’s room. Highlight decoration techniques such as dry and wet felting. The first option makes it possible to create voluminous figures made of natural wool. As for the technique of wet felting, it is suitable for applications that have a flat look.

Decoupage technique is becoming one of the suitable solutions in the decor of a living room. It is enough to transfer the image you like from the napkin to the dishes. This is a great solution for those who have a living room with a dining area. It is also suitable in cases where there are sideboards for storing dishes. Ideas for decoupage in different rooms allow you to choose the right option.

Beautiful plates using decoupage technique can decorate not only shelves, they are often hung on the wall as the main decor.

Use of decor in the bathroom

This room is no exception. Do-it-yourself bathroom decor is possible if you give preference to suitable materials. So, they should not deteriorate under the influence of steam and moisture. If you choose wooden or cardboard products, they can be hung at the entrance to the room. In this case, they will not get water. Remember to periodically ventilate the bathroom.

The decor installed in the bathroom should have the following characteristics:

  • environmental Safety;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • easy care;
  • resistance to processing with detergents;
  • hygiene.

Use various decor ideas. Most suitable panel of ceramic tiles, towels and rugs in the same style, as well as shells or starfish. The latter is enough to stick on the surface of the wall or ceiling. Remember to use a suitable backlight.

Teenager room decor

In this room, you can install the decor, made by the hands of children. A girl with certain skills and interests can independently decorate her corner. So, she can knit a beautiful plaid or embroider a picture of beads or threads. Any home-made room decoration is suitable here. A simple option is to sew bright covers for small pillows that can decorate the sofa.

Phytodesign is also suitable for decoration. This is a good solution that will teach a teenager to look after flowers. But it is better to choose unusual plants.

For a small room, you can use decorative flowers made of paper or other environmentally friendly materials. A lamp looks like a plant or a flower. But at the same time, a finishing touch is needed for the teenager’s room, which can be an accent wall of bright green color. The main thing is that the remaining surfaces are neutral. There are other ideas that are suitable for the embodiment of a teenager with his own hands. But they should not only please the child, but also emphasize his interests and unique personality.

Features of the decor in the children’s room

If the child is small, you can independently transform his space. It is important to focus on the floor. For a girl’s room, flowers made of cardboard or quilling are suitable. A large number of translucent fabrics located on the window and in the sleeping area will not be superfluous here. The atmosphere should be light and airy. But do not overload the space.

In a room designed for a boy, it is worth emphasizing his gender. Crafts made in military subjects or in the form of cars will be appropriate. The child can also participate in the creation of decor. Take an interest in what ideas he has for decorating a nursery, maybe he will want to decorate a room with characters from his favorite animated series.

General recommendations

There are general recommendations that will help you correctly place decorative elements in your living space. Every little thing is important here: room area, interior design, colors, sizes of selected decor items. To bring coziness and harmony, follow these tips:

  • do not use all ideas in one space;
  • if the room is spacious, bright and large-scale elements will look good in it;
  • for a small room it is better to prefer neutral and small decor items;
  • to visually increase the space, install mirror and metal surfaces;
  • bright wooden crafts painted in a suitable shade are suitable for a small room of a child.

Whatever ideas you choose, it is important to focus not only on your own preferences. Consider the style prevailing in the apartment or house. It is important to consider the area of the room and the height of the ceilings, as well as the illumination of the room. Give preference to a decor that you can do yourself or simple elements that can be created using a simple and intuitive master class.

Original diy decor trends in interior designInspirational DIY Room Decoration Design Trends

There are other techniques that resourceful owners use to “revitalize” their home and surprise guests. Consider several decor ideas for different rooms.

Decor: do-it-yourself bedroom and do-it-yourself bedroom furniture

In the bedroom, additional comfort never hurts. If you have a simple compact chandelier, complement it with elements of a Christmas garland and several rags of “weightless” transparent fabric like organza. Walls can be traditionally decorated with paintings, that is, framed images. The more original the frame, the simpler the drawing itself can be – even a fragment of wallpaper will do. The frame can be painted, glued three-dimensional decorative elements – beads, pebbles, shells.

The space above the head of the bed can be successfully filled with a panel of paintings in contrasting frames.

An example of decorating a wall using images in the interior in a classic style

How to decorate a teenager’s room with your own hands? Very simple! For the room of a teenage girl, painted walls and soft poufs, which can be done independently, are suitable

Scandinavian bedroom will be decorated with a decorative stepladder that can be used as a hanger

Advice! Very interesting options for the frames are obtained if you use curly pasta, which can then be painted with spray paint.

An unusual solution for the design of the head of the bed. It used a solid, almost raw wood

Think about how fun it is to beat the head of the bed. Use decoupage, vinyl stickers, and if the bed does not have a headboard, you can create its own likeness. Knock down the wooden frame and cover it with cloth. And the elegant wrought-iron headboard can simply be drawn on the wall using the 3D technique.

DIY Room Decor: Bathroom Ideas

Using the decoupage technique, you can make all the objects in the bathroom play in a new way. At the same time, plumbing, accessories, and even walls will create a single harmonious ensemble. Let’s start with the lid of the toilet, on which we will transfer the picture you like from a regular paper napkin. Cut the pattern along the contour and leave only the top layer of the napkin on which the image is applied. We apply a piece of tissue to the toilet lid and apply the adhesive solution with a brush. Glue impregnates a napkin and fixes it on the surface of the lid. After the glue dries, we cover the drawing with acrylic varnish – this will make the decor durable.

The same drawings can be transferred to the holder for toilet paper, a soap dish, a glass for toothbrushes, a leg of a washbasin-tulip, a trash can. Using the same technique, you can decor the walls of the bathroom.

And another interesting and practical idea is a bath mat made of sea pebbles. As a basis, we take the simplest rubber mat or fragment of linoleum. We apply universal glue to the entire surface of the base and lay out the previously prepared pebbles. It is better to pick up small and flat neat pebbles. When decorating a bathroom with your own hands, make sure that all materials are waterproof.

DIY room decoration

In search of materials for children’s decor, pay attention to old puzzles. Of these, you can make interesting applications by painting the details, pasting them on the base and placing them in a photo frame. A fun decoration will be balloons filled with helium. Fix a pair of such balls on the floor so that they are located at the eye level of the child. Sew and glue the hats and hair from the balls to the balls, draw funny faces – the decoration for the children’s room with your own hands is ready.

One of the most popular ways to decorate a nursery is with colorful paper and balloons.

Unusual textile decoration of a child’s room is easy to create yourself

Bright paper butterflies on the wall in combination with bright pictures will decorate the girl’s room

The original idea of decorating a children’s room

A teenage boy’s room can be decorated with posters or graffiti.

Decorating a nursery in a marine theme

Bright paper butterflies on a twig look cute in the kid’s room

The traditional elements of the baby’s room are bright pillows of various shapes. Patterns of such products can be found in various sources, and you can make the simplest ones (for example, the letters of the name of the child) yourself. Decorate the curtains in the bedroom, lamps, empty sections of the walls with garlands of figures cut from thread or fishing line cut out of colored cardboard so that not a single zone in the room remains boring, dull. Make the interior of the kids room cozy and cheerful with your own hands.

Letters of the name of the baby and other inscriptions can be made by yourself

Children’s kitchen, the walls of which are decorated with stickers, garlands and original wall lamps. Such a space for a child can be created by any adult.

Any room in an apartment or house will instantly be transformed, you just need to add an unusual element, made independently. If you are interested in the art of quilling, we recommend that you watch a master class on this topic in video format.

DIY living room interior decor designInspirational DIY Room Decoration Design Trends

The comfort of a living room largely depends on how the room is decorated. They try to decorate the living room in the best possible way, so that it would be pleasant to spend time with guests and household members. Decor is the final stage in the design process of the room. And if the decoration of the room requires the help of qualified specialists, then interior decoration with your own hands is quite a feasible task.

Niches for interior decoration

Niches and recesses in the walls can be very advantageously used in the design of the living room, and anyone can do it, cheaply and cheerfully, or at extra cost – as you like. If the niche in the wall is large enough and is located below, then it is very convenient to build in it an electric, eco or false fireplace. This accent element of the interior is able to transform the room, attract the attention of guests, and even give warmth when there are severe winter cold outside the window.

Do-it-yourself room decor cannot be done without high-quality design of niches. There can be many ideas, the main thing is that such design ideas fit clearly into the overall design concept. And the niches themselves not only did not mutilate the room, but also became an organic part of it. How to make a niche in the living room more attractive?

  • In the niche, you can very conveniently arrange souvenirs or any significant accessories that tell the story of your family. In order to make them look more spectacular, you can provide a niche with stepped shelves.
  • You can draw attention to a niche with the help of a beautiful LED backlight. It is very easy to work with LED tapes, they can be positioned in a niche as you wish, while connecting will also not cause problems.
  • Do-it-yourself interior decoration can be done much more efficiently if niche decoration and wall decoration are on the same topic. For example, if you place a tree woven from beads in a niche, stylized as a family tree with small photographs of relatives hanging on it, then on the wall near the niche you also need to hang family photos in frames. This will indicate a common design concept.
  • The oblong recesses in the wall, located closer to the ceiling, can be decorated by placing pots with living plants in them. If you don’t feel like “messing around” with living indoor plants, you can get along with beautiful artificial ones, just remember to periodically dust them.
  • Making the interior of the living room with your own hands, you can turn a niche in the wall into a real showcase. In this case, you have to tinker a bit. Firstly, to finish the niche with mirror panels, secondly, order a beautiful frame with a glazed door, thirdly, make glass shelves and integrate the backlight. But believe me, the result is worth it.

Important! Some try to build plasma panels in niches. If you decide to decorate the interior with your own hands and borrow this idea, then take care of the appropriate fastening of such a panel so that there is free access to its back wall, otherwise it will be very difficult to connect any devices.

Paintings, drawings and photographs

The era of total fashion for wall carpets is a thing of the past. Currently, the walls are decorated much more diverse and interesting. The choice of decoration largely depends on the design composition you have chosen, as well as on the method of wall decoration. The design of the living room in pop art style is characterized by unusually decorated walls, which are painted with bright, eye-catching drawings.

If you are not a supporter of such bold design ideas and prefer a classic interior design, then you should pay attention to the more familiar wall accessories. Within any classic interior, paintings and their reproductions, enclosed in beautiful frames, will look good on the walls. Making the interior of the room on your own is easier if you adhere to the general concept, which can be briefly formulated as “the story of my family.”

Do-it-yourself design of a room involves decorating the wall with beautiful family photographs illustrating the best moments of family life. Photos can simply be framed and hung in groups, or you can paint a huge genealogical tree on the wall with paints, and then hang pictures on its branches. The result is more than spectacular.

Important! It is not necessary to use expensive fluorescent paints to apply images to the wall. To save the family budget, you can use acrylic paint – the result will be no worse.

Stucco decoration

Stucco molding is a work of art that only a true master is capable of making. This is what most ordinary people think, in fact, interior design with their own hands using stucco molding is available to everyone, the main thing is to choose the right approach. First of all, you need to decide which stucco molding you want to use in your guest room. Then you need to purchase a plastic mold for stucco elements and material. The material, as a rule, is gypsum.

Next, we plant gypsum with water, fill out the form, wait until it hardens, and get a beautiful stucco decoration. Forms are selected depending on the previously chosen interior style, it can be:

  • Victorian monograms;
  • Greek ornaments
  • outlines of figures of people and animals;
  • floral ornaments and more.

Making a room with your own hands can be done using very spectacular interior elements – columns and pilasters. Do not be scared in advance, you will not need to build real columns, you will only need to create their stucco simulations. Polyurethane imitation of columns and pilasters is sold in the corresponding outlets. It is very light and sticks directly to the wall, and the result is simply amazing.

DIY interior design is very beneficial to design using imitations of columns, pilasters and moldings. Firstly, it is very beautiful, and secondly, stucco elements very well cover the imperfections of wall decoration, which inevitably manifest themselves.

Textiles in the interior

Do-it-yourself room design necessarily involves decorating the room with textiles. Carpets, curtains, rugs, pillows – all this takes place in the living room. Such things fill the atmosphere of the living room with warmth, making the atmosphere truly homely and cozy. Such an element of the interior as curtains, in addition, hide the room in the evening from prying eyes, and in the afternoon from the hot sun. Therefore, choosing curtains for the living room, you need not only to choose the fabric by color, but also by density.

Remember! Dense fabrics make the room heavier, and translucent make it airy. Therefore, for small living rooms it is better to choose light fabrics, for spacious ones – that which best reflects the style of the interior, since in this case there are no restrictions.

Do-it-yourself room decor, this does not mean to sew the curtains yourself or to knit a plaid. The main thing is to choose a thing suitable for the interior. So, for example, to dilute a living room with bright walls and furniture, you can use bright plain curtains. And in addition to them, lay out the pillows on the sofa of the same color. Such accent elements will transform the room.

Pay attention to photocurtains that will make the monochrome living room original and modern.

Some more decor ideas

Making a room with your own hands is a creative activity, depending on the imagination, and therefore there can be a lot of ideas to decorate it. A special place in the living room is given to living plants and flowers, which not only make the room beautiful, but also fill it with freshness and summer mood. Palm trees, orchids, violets, primrose – everything you like, you can find a place. In addition, freshly cut roses, gladioli, gerberas and other flowers can also complement the interior.

Bouquets of artificial flowers, as well as flower arrangements and flowers in a vacuum vase, will help to decorate the interior with their own hands. Flowers in a vacuum can retain their attractive appearance for several years. At the same time, they do not need to be watered, but they look natural.

It is very important to choose the right vase for the flowers, which will also become an element of interior decoration. In this case, one must take into account the size, shape, color of the vase itself. Also, the interior of the living room with your own hands can be transformed with the help of decorative candles. To do this, it’s enough to take ordinary candles and decorate them with ribbons, beads, painted by color and style combined with the general decoration of the room.

Often, a watch is used as a decorative element in the living room, there are a lot of models and varieties of it. Such a detail in the living room always attracts the eye, which means it must be chosen with taste. Wall, table, floor or clock-paintings can stylishly decorate the interior.

When thinking about how to make a living room beautiful, remember that everything should be a measure. The main thing is not to overdo it with the details. The design of a small room with your own hands or a large room should be thought out. Indeed, the decor of the living room is not a chaotic arrangement of accessories and trinkets, it is a harmonious combination of all interior details. And for this you have to try.

Inspirational DIY Room Decor Ideas 2021Inspirational DIY Room Decoration Design Trends

Batik pillows, decorative caskets and framed compositions on the walls – all this can be created with your own hands

Want to add a twist to the interior? Would you like to update the design of the room, but there is no money for repairs? You can decorate the house with your own hands with elegant trinkets or functional crafts created from the remains of various materials using simple tools. DIY room decor is a fascinating activity for the whole family. Having mastered simple tricks, you can, using your imagination, craft exclusive items that will decorate your home.

DIY  room decor techniques

How exactly you will create decorations for the room depends on the materials that you have, as well as on your skills and talents. If you do not have experience, do not take up woodcarving – try to master quilling or felting. Have you noticed any artistic inclinations? Then give preference to batik. Know how to knit? Decorate your interior with yarn products!

  • Wood carving. Gorgeous figurines, candlesticks, caskets – that only skillful joiners do not carve out of wood. However, for an unprepared layman, this occupation is likely to be unsuccessful.
  • Art painting is a great way to decorate walls. The drawing can be applied using stencils, sketching from a sketch on graph paper or using a slide projector.
  • Batik – painting on fabric. Using this technique, decorative pillows, curtains, lampshades and other textiles are decorated in the interior.
  • Embroidery. With the help of embroidery unique panels and paintings are created. Pillowcases for decorative pillows are also decorated with embroidery.
  • Knitting. Hook or knitting needles – any tool is suitable for the manufacture of flat and three-dimensional decorations. Usually they knit toys, peculiar covers for flower pots, vases, all kinds of boxes, cups and organizers, lampshades for lamps, decorative napkins, rugs and other little things.
  • Quilling is a method of creating applications from twisted paper tapes, which will require minimal costs and huge scope for the realization of imagination.
  • Wallow. There is a technique of wet felting (for creating flat products – applications) and dry felting (for creating voluminous figures made of natural wool).
  • Decoupage. Cutting the pattern on a paper napkin and gluing it to the surface, you can decorate the walls, furniture, dishes – almost any piece of furniture.

There are other techniques that resourceful owners use to “revitalize” their home and surprise guests. Consider several decor ideas for different rooms.

Decor: do-it-yourself bedroom décor furniture

In the bedroom, additional comfort never hurts. If you have a simple compact chandelier, complement it with elements of a Christmas garland and several rags of “weightless” transparent fabric like organza. Walls can be traditionally decorated with paintings, that is, framed images. The more original the frame, the simpler the drawing itself can be – even a fragment of wallpaper will do. The frame can be painted, glued three-dimensional decorative elements – beads, pebbles, shells.

Advice! Very interesting options for the frames are obtained if you use curly pasta, which can then be painted with spray paint.

Think about how fun it is to beat the head of the bed. Use decoupage, vinyl stickers, and if the bed does not have a headboard, you can create its own likeness. Knock down the wooden frame and cover it with cloth. And the elegant wrought-iron headboard can simply be drawn on the wall using the 3D technique.

DIY Room Decor: Bathroom Ideas

Using the decoupage technique, you can make all the objects in the bathroom play in a new way. At the same time, plumbing, accessories, and even walls will create a single harmonious ensemble. Let’s start with the lid of the toilet, on which we will transfer the picture you like from a regular paper napkin. Cut the pattern along the contour and leave only the top layer of the napkin on which the image is applied. We apply a piece of tissue to the toilet lid and apply the adhesive solution with a brush. Glue impregnates a napkin and fixes it on the surface of the lid. After the glue dries, we cover the drawing with acrylic varnish – this will make the decor durable.

The same drawings can be transferred to the holder for toilet paper, a soap dish, a glass for toothbrushes, a leg of a washbasin-tulip, a trash can. Using the same technique, you can decor the walls of the bathroom.

And another interesting and practical idea is a bath mat made of sea pebbles. As a basis, we take the simplest rubber mat or fragment of linoleum. We apply universal glue to the entire surface of the base and lay out the previously prepared pebbles. It is better to pick up small and flat neat pebbles. When decorating a bathroom with your own hands, make sure that all materials are waterproof.

DIY room decoration

In search of materials for children’s decor, pay attention to old puzzles. Of these, you can make interesting applications by painting the details, pasting them on the base and placing them in a photo frame. A fun decoration will be balloons filled with helium. Fix a pair of such balls on the floor so that they are located at the eye level of the child. Sew and glue the hats and hair from the balls to the balls, draw funny faces – the decoration for the children’s room with your own hands is ready.

The traditional elements of the baby’s room are bright pillows of various shapes. Patterns of such products can be found in various sources, and you can make the simplest ones (for example, the letters of the name of the child) yourself. Decorate the curtains in the bedroom, lamps, empty sections of the walls with garlands of figures cut from thread or fishing line cut out of colored cardboard so that not a single zone in the room remains boring, dull. Make the interior of the kids room cozy and cheerful with your own hands.

Children’s kitchen, the walls of which are decorated with stickers, garlands and original wall lamps. Such a space for a child can be created by any adult.

Any room in an apartment or house will instantly be transformed, you just need to add an unusual element, made independently. If you are interested in the art of quilling, we recommend that you watch a master class on this topic in video format.

DIY room decor – interesting ideas and ways to implementInspirational DIY Room Decoration Design Trends

Do-it-yourself room decor is something that many homes lack. Quite often, after repairs, the interior becomes very interesting and functional, but the renovated room does not always have enough comfort and unique features. The house or apartment in which we constantly live is not an easy place to meet human needs, but something more, something similar to the continuation of our personality. How can I make a room decor with my own hands? What techniques and tools work well for non-designers? What can be used to decorate the walls of an apartment or house? We will consider the answers to these questions and interesting ideas on self-decoration of your home in this article.

Wall decoration in the interior

The wall is an art canvas of large sizes, on which you can implement almost any idea. Decorating the walls of rooms allows you to take your mind off current problems and find inner harmony. If you transform your home together with your spouse or other family members, you can rally even more.

Decorative wall painting in the interior

To beautifully and personally paint the walls, you do not have to be a talented artist with extensive experience. In almost any building hypermarket, you can find various templates or murals that will help to significantly and accurately transform the walls of living rooms in a minimum time period.

Panel for the decor of room walls

A panel is a very fashionable way of wall decor, which harmoniously fits both in a classic style and in a more modern one, for example, minimalism. This method of decoration is good in that you can make a beautiful panel of the most diverse and affordable materials. All that is required is a fabric of various colors and textures, pieces of plywood, acrylic paint, universal glue, a stapler, decorative strips, and zeal.

Before you start making panels you should clearly understand the atmosphere of the decorated room and understand how this decor will be combined with the overall interior. For a loft-style apartment, panels with old posters, wine corks and yellowed newspapers will look great. If your apartment is designed in the styles of Provence or country, in the manufacture of panels you can use various spices and cereals, herbariums and fruits.

For a Scandinavian interior, it is best to decorate the walls with homemade paintings from bright butterflies, bows, various letters and use nails, buttons, sparkles and rhinestones for this decor.

Pictures for decor

During the decoration of rooms with their own hands, most people resort to using photographs. This method gives the house an atmosphere of harmony and comfort. Being in the room allows you to recharge with positive energy, because the photographs capture the closest people and the most beloved moments in life. Do not buy a bunch of monotonous frames and hang them in the same sequence. It looks pretty boring. It is better to make the frames with your own hand from various materials and arrange them in the form of the sun, heart or any geometric shape.

In some styles it is not even necessary to observe symmetry. You can add interesting notes or other trifles to the photos, which will also cause positive emotions. In a children’s room, you can construct a tree from photographs and help it grow with your child growing up.

Decorative ottomans for interior decoration

In addition to walls, there is a lot of space in the houses to realize their creative potential. Do-it-yourself poufs will look great in a minimalist or vintage interior. The easiest way to decorate is to use old accumulated magazines. In addition to magazines you will need pillows, old belts and a wooden base. Prints of the same format are folded onto a joinery board 40-50 cm high. A pillow rests on top and the whole structure is fastened with two straps. Decorative ottomans are made very simply and quickly, and they look quite interesting.

Hooks for clothes on the walls of the hallway of the room

To decorate the walls of the hallway of the room, you can use old spoons and forks, which are no longer suitable for their direct use. Future hooks can be bent by using a hammer and vise, and for the installation process you will need metal screws and a screwdriver. “Twist” the hooks best to a wooden board, pre-painted. Forks fixed chaotically attract visitors very well. If there is an engraver, you can make interesting patterns on hooks.

Nails and threads for interior decoration

No matter how strange it sounds, decorating the walls of houses and apartments with nails and threads is a very common direction, which even has its own name – “stringart”. This stylistic solution can be used not only for wall decor, but on various boards and pieces of furniture. This method will help to reveal your hidden talents, because you can start randomly spinning a strand, and end with a unique work of art. To implement the plan, you should acquire threads of various colors, nails and the base on which the nails will be held. If you do not have experience in such manifestations of yourself or you are simply afraid that the end result will not coincide with the picture in your head, it is best to draw a conceptual concept on paper. Following the sketch, you must accurately hammer in the nails, between which the threads will pass. For starters, it’s better to use simple drawings, for example, various signs, letters, or just an abstraction. Regardless of which pattern is implemented, it will be unique.

Decorative shelves in the interior

If the space does not allow the use of familiar cabinets, and there are many necessary things, the use of simple shelves is an excellent way out of the situation.

A special chic is the shelves of various geometric shapes on one wall of the room. They are made of ordinary polished boards and do not require additional decoration. In any case, the look will stop at them. In order to emphasize the wood texture, it is best to use special oil and a rag. A thin layer of oil is applied to the tree and rubbed thoroughly. If you use ordinary paint and a brush, those wooden texture disappears. And also to add variety, some of the shelves can be hung on a hook.

Decorative tape for wall decoration

Many people glue paper with adhesive tape, and designers create various decorative compositions. True, they do not use ordinary scotch tape, but multi-colored paper tape. Decorative tape is very convenient and allows you to create a wide variety of decorative elements. Moreover, it is used not only on walls, but also on furniture. Decorative paper tape is great and quite easy to zoning the space of the room.

Candles in the interior of the room

We have long been accustomed to electric lighting, and our children see candles only on a birthday cake. But in vain. Nothing gives the room such a mystical charm as decorative candles. Of course, to place 3-4 candles, turn off the light and wait for the wow effect is not worth it. We are talking about a full-fledged composition, exhibited several rows or located on a separate shelf. Looks great support, suspended from the ceiling, bringing the romance of medieval castles. But there is one thing. Even, more correctly, BUT! Never before have jokes with fire been brought to good, and constantly dripping wax can ruin the furniture. For these reasons, to create a decorative composition of candles should be on the most secure supports or supports.

Florariums for room decor

A garden in a bottle is called a Florarium, which allows you to enjoy ornamental plants, which are very problematic to grow in familiar room conditions. To create such a living beauty you will need an interesting sealed container. Currently, in online stores you can find light bulbs, tetrahedrons, bottles and other vessels with a decorative appearance. Due to the fact that the container is airtight, plants should be selected from the conditions of high humidity. The most interesting plants include ordinary ivy, royal begonia, various species of calamus, cryptanthus, pelillonia and others. Another condition to which special attention should be paid is that the height of an adult plant should not be larger than the vessel used. When choosing the location of the florarium, preference should be given to areas of the room with sufficient natural light. Florarium is a rather interesting way of decorating the interior of a room.

DIY bathroom decor

Do-it-yourself bathroom decor is also not particularly difficult. To store towels, scrubs and various creams, you can make a wooden staircase, if space allows. This element not only decorates the room, but also allows you to conveniently place your bathroom accessories. The window imitation made in the form of a mirror looks very impressive, which will constantly surprise you. No matter how trite it may sound, plants can help bring fresh colors to the bathroom. The only thing to consider is the high humidity of the room. Small stones and bamboo look great in compositions with plants.

Mats made using sea pebbles are very popular in bathroom decor. In addition to the visual effect, your steamed legs after taking the bath will also be pleasantly massaged. In order to make a rug yourself you will need a piece of linoleum, good glue and small and flat pebbles.

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The decor of the children’s room

When decorating the interior of a children’s room, you can use a wide variety of materials. Taking old puzzles, you can make wonderful applications and place them under the frame. In any child, balloons cause positive emotions. They can be filled with helium and, having made, long threads can simply be released into the ceiling. And you can also interestingly paint balls: adding eyes, nose, mustache and a cheerful smile. The traditional elements decorating children’s rooms include pillows of various shapes and colors. Together with the child, you can cut out various figures or make origami, and then arrange around the room. Multi-colored garlands made of cardboard look very decorative.

Furniture decoration in the interior of various rooms

Also, the highlight of the interior can be a decorative clock, for example from an old vinyl record.

Decorating furniture elements is a great way to bring newness to the interior. You do not need to be an experienced seamstress for this. You can start by changing the upholstery on old chairs with a furniture stapler. If the result suits you and you decide not to stop, you can very interestingly beat your furniture with natural fabrics, silk or artificial leather.

We hope that after reading this article you will have a desire and interesting ideas that will help you to get new positive emotions from decorating your home. To bring a sense of completeness and coziness into the interior, it is not necessary to have a designer look.

Enough basic skills with the simplest tools, a little free time and a little imagination. Of course, if you do not have perseverance, you can use ready-made decor elements sold in any hypermarket, for example, vinyl stickers, 3D panels, decorative vases, mosaic compositions and more. However, they will not have so much heat that possessed items made by their own hands.

How to decorate a room beautifully: DIY decoration ideasInspirational DIY Room Decoration Design Trends

Living in a small room does not mean that you cannot have a stylish space. Decorating your room using improvised materials is not at all difficult. The main thing is to find interesting ideas to draw inspiration. Fortunately, we have gathered many options for how to decorate the bedroom with your own hands.

Author and editor. I write about Interior designs, Beauty tips, IT services for business, Real estate and architectures. Strongly passionate about games, comics, art, design, fashion and decoration, I will tell you in detail the best stories in the world of beauty and will guide you through the most popular trends of the moment.

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