New Trends in Design and Ideas for Ceramic Tiles 2021

New Trends in Design and Ideas for Ceramic Tiles in 2021Decorative ceramic tile is not only durable and practical material, it can transform any room beyond recognition. Gloss and saturation of colors, ornaments and patterns, durability, water-repellent surface – this can boast of any glazed tile that is recommended to be installed on the walls of the kitchen, bathroom, hallway and other rooms. As a floor covering, a tile with a relief surface is usually chosen that will not allow anyone to slip and fall. If your choice is fashionable ceramic tiles 2021, then you should be guided by modern ideas and trends, the design novelties of which were used in the previous year. There are no cardinal changes in the fashion for tiles, however, some nuances and trends should be considered in more detail.

Ceramic tile market trends 2021New Trends in Design and Ideas for Ceramic Tiles in 2021

Using a perfectly selected color scheme, tiles solve a variety of design tasks, and it turns out to be advantageous. Say, on dark tiles of saturated colors, you can see the reflection of decor, furniture, objects, it not only looks advantageous (especially the bathroom), but also visually increases the size of the room. Large geometric ornaments on the wall tiles can create a light, modern atmosphere in the kitchen.

Advice! If you plan to purchase fashionable ceramic tiles 2021, taking into account modern ideas and trends, design innovations, first of all think about the fact that you need to correctly apply all parts of the available space.

You should completely abandon the artsy and large furniture and plumbing, extra accessories. Modern interiors are natural and ergonomic, harmony is achieved through sophisticated simplicity, noble restraint, the choice of quality materials, the correct use of color schemes. This trend is evident in most design options.

The latest tendency to competently mix several styles and finally overcome stereotypes and conventions inspires designers to use tiles not only in bathrooms and kitchens, but wherever it is necessary to diversify textures and revitalize surfaces.

This task is being simplified today, since ceramic tiles have moved away from traditional shapes and colors, demonstrating to the enthusiastic buyer completely unprecedented samples of colors, quality and shapes.

Landmark for naturalnessNew Trends in Design and Ideas for Ceramic Tiles in 2021

The trend towards comprehensive naturalness first of all touched all finishing materials, in particular, beautiful ceramic tiles 2021 of an unusual design appeared.

Feel free to choose options with an imitation of the texture of wood, any natural stone or marble, even concrete, and what’s new – metal. Today, ceramic tiles realistically imitate the above, which contributes to its popularity. Sometimes the rougher the texture, the better it looks in the interior.

Imitation of the texture of natural wood is especially relevant, especially one that can only be distinguished by touch from its counterpart. Extravagant and flashy looking tile is much less likely to be present in the interior of the kitchen and bathroom in the 2021th year.

Today, restrained and neutral colors in grayish and (especially) black matte colors are fashionable. To give the room a more lively look, it is quite possible to choose, for example, textured tiles.

  • Trendy colors of ceramic tiles 2021 – terracotta, sea wave, autumn and spring foliage, the color of moss and stone. When looking for special inspiration for fashionable decoration, it should be remembered that today luxury is demonstrated in subtlety and grace.

Important! The choice of tiles cannot be based on the conclusion: “I came to the store, and I liked it.” Everything in the room should be in perfect harmony – only in this way can you build not only functional, but also super-fashionable space.

In the trend of 2021 – stone and marble tilesNew Trends in Design and Ideas for Ceramic Tiles in 2021

Ceramic marble tiles are very fashionable today, as it helps to create strict minimalist interiors, to give kitchens and bathrooms an irresistible look.

For example, you can combine such pseudo-marble with decorative wall decoration, complement the entire interior with small but exquisite details. Even decorative columns are permissible; today no one will blame you for an excessive desire for luxury.

It is possible to give the interior a fashionable “naturalness” by imitating natural stone, especially since such a fashionable ceramic tile 2021 is perfectly combined with chrome steel and glass.

On a note! Fans of high-tech style and minimalism should know that stone tiles are an excellent choice for such an interior. Moreover, in the coming years, these styles are unlikely to lose their relevance.

One of the most advantageous and pleasant properties of modern ceramics, which imitates stone, lies in the fact that the tile in almost all cases is matte, and at the same time also embossed. It is not only beautiful, but also does not slip, so practical owners can use it when decorating the hallway, and not just the kitchen or bathroom.

Volume and geometric patternNew Trends in Design and Ideas for Ceramic Tiles in 2021

The use of ceramic tiles with a distinguishable geometric pattern and ornament for composing all kinds of compositions when decorating premises is also a fashionable technique today. You can give the surface a visual additional volume, simulate three-dimensional space, give dynamics, make the interior modern. As a rule, young people tend to choose just such options.

Even the most uncomplicated ornament – say, bricks, a simple mosaic, stylization of fish scales or bee honeycombs in 3D-format looks simply amazing. Strict proportions and thin, gracefully drawn lines are a demonstration of good taste, since geometry is still in trend.

Speaking of volume, it is worth mentioning that the ultra-fashion is considered:

  • a tile with a print of a leaf pattern, with a detailed drawing of all the veins;
  • popular patterns like frost on winter windows; drawings according to the type of diverging circles on the water;
  • imitation of raindrops (in our time, any habitual natural phenomena can become a motive for imitations).

Check out the latest 2021 tile collections from renowned brands: they really amaze every imagination.

White is still in trendsNew Trends in Design and Ideas for Ceramic Tiles in 2021

Nothing looks so flawless, like a white kitchen or a bathroom shining with white. If you are tormented by deep doubts about which color scheme to prefer, then white tile is still a win-win option for the interior.

White color is a feeling of comfort, light, lightness and freedom. The magic of white shades creates the illusion of infinity and transparency of space in the interior.

Psychologists believe that a person perceives white as a new beginning, which positively affects the psyche. Indeed, white tones never bother or irritate the eyes, which is why they are so appropriate in a room where a person wants to lie in the bath and relax for at least a few minutes.

It should be noted that white tile for the bathroom is of a very different shade, since this color is ambiguous. Barely noticeable bluish shades will make the interior cooler, while the cream shade is much warmer, it all depends on what visual effect you want to achieve.

You can make your bath room perfectly sterile and very cold, or, conversely, soft, comfortable and warm. All this is achieved using the same color. It all depends on which one you decide to buy a white tile for the bathroom, and whether you will begin to use other colors.

Advice! If you add brown shades, they will make the bathroom more comfortable, and blue – more “clean”. Orange and yellow tones will add positive emotions, and the combination of white and black is an “ageless classic”.


  1. If you are not inclined to make repairs often, but like variety, then a white bathtub will be just the background for you.
  2. The color of furniture, towels, other details can change, and this will make the room look different every time.
  3. Today it is possible to use accessories “imitation wood” or imitation natural stone. It is worth noting that white tiles in the bathroom can help you visually expand or, conversely, narrow the space. To do this, you need to make two walls light, and two – dark. Thus, the narrow bathroom will seem a little wider.

Fashionable ceramic tile 2021 (photo)New Trends in Design and Ideas for Ceramic Tiles in 2021

Among the latest fashion trends are small and narrow ceramic tiles. It is a bit like a traditional mosaic, visually makes the ceiling higher in the room and is able to create an interesting and non-standard texture on the walls. However, there are other ultra-fashionable novelties.


Today, the most fashionable form of ceramic tile is hexagon. The popularity of tiles in the form of a regular hexagon, definitely, in 2021 breaks all records. The shapes of these tiles and their sizes can expand their traditional range within a single collection.

It is worth noting that this new one is nothing but a return to the historical traditions of the 18th century, while such a form, on the contrary, was very widespread. By the way, it is considered ultra-fashionable to use large hexagonal porcelain tiles on the floor, especially if the interior design is decided in a vintage style.

Another original novelty is jigsaw puzzles made of ceramic tiles of various geometric shapes, without a seam, but in this version it is important to choose the right color scheme.

The use of a base (gray or white) in this variant is almost necessary, then gently blue shades, yellow, green tones, graphite, as well as golden or brown shades are added. By the way, the dusty rose color is fashionable today, it looks unsurpassed on gray.


Not so long ago, amateurs found large tiles only where materials were offered for finishing industrial premises or public places.

Today the situation has completely changed: tile is not very fashionable, not just large, but very large, even huge. Manufacturers create entire original collections that are dedicated to large-format ceramic tiles.

The main feature of large ceramic tiles is their distinctive ability to give coated surfaces not only a more rigorous, but also a more refined look. However, the large format always requires additional space.

Say, in a small bathroom or kitchen, a corridor, you will have to cut such tiles repeatedly and carefully adjust them, which will spoil the original idea.

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New – concrete tilesNew Trends in Design and Ideas for Ceramic Tiles in 2021

After such modern interior styles as loft, hi-tech, minimalism and even art deco came into fashion and strengthened, it became necessary to imitate concrete details and structures.

The fact is that the laying of natural concrete is not only a completely difficult task, but also very dusty. Therefore, the use of ceramic tiles 2021, simulating real concrete – this is a great option, an optimal and convenient way out.

On a note! Pseudo-concrete (in the form of tiles) will not only help to avoid the mentioned inconveniences associated with the laying of the material, but also provide reliability, ease of care, a modern surface appearance.

Tile is a durable material that can withstand heavy loads, does not allow moisture and steam, is non-combustible. The most pleasant advantage of a tile is how easily any dirt is removed from its surface.

Walls and floors decorated with tiles can be washed using any chemicals that no other finishing material can be proud of, and if you also take into account the above tips, your kitchen or bathroom will not only be cozy and practical, but and stylish.

Author and editor. I write about Interior designs, Beauty tips, IT services for business, Real estate and architectures. Strongly passionate about games, comics, art, design, fashion and decoration, I will tell you in detail the best stories in the world of beauty and will guide you through the most popular trends of the moment.

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