10 New Home Decor Trends For 2023

New Home Decor Trends For 2023We will soon be entering the last quarter of 2022 which means that we are already starting to think about the following year… When to plan your leave, where to go on vacation, do you have to buy a new car, how to redecorate and modernize the home ? And if we can’t be very helpful with the answers to the first 3 questions, home decor trends 2023 are exactly our specialty! Relax and take in the photo gallery below to check out all that will be trendy in terms of interior decor for the following seasons.

2023 home decor trends and preferred materialsNew Home Decor Trends For 2023

When approaching the subject of 2023 home decor trends, we must certainly start with the basics… What will be the wall and floor covering materials to which special attention should be paid? What will be the top style of the furniture in the months to come? What textures, colors and patterns should you favor so that the overall decor is balanced and in keeping with the times? Here are the answers to all these questions, and more, in the next few paragraphs…

The great love for natural woodNew Home Decor Trends For 2023

Regarding the materials used in interior design, there is a certain craze for natural wood. It’s not actually a recent phenomenon, but the 2023 home decor trends will take back the love for this fantastic organic material. On the floor, we can see the big comeback of light natural parquet in all its nuances and possible combinations of slats. Use the same essence for the furnishings and the exposed beams on the ceiling, among others, and it will be perfect!

Apart from the ubiquitous solid wood, raw concrete, white marble and black steel are also present in the decor of tomorrow. However, the eye of the discerning observer sees that their presence is certainly more subdued compared to previous years. When it comes to metallic finishes, brushed brass is gradually replacing the very popular stainless steel.

Furniture file: what style to stay up to date?New Home Decor Trends For 2023

When one takes a close look at the style of furniture, two totally opposite 2023 home decor trends immediately jump forward. On the one hand, we observe soft shapes with rounded corners that look retro chic and somewhat, let’s face it, outdated. On the other side, there are geometric “austere” silhouettes belonging to minimalist furniture that has endured for years.

Either way, it’s always good to have a choice… If neither of these two options is your style, remember that the graceful japandi style will remain on the agenda. Sophisticated, but not pretentious, it in itself combines the essence of simplistic Japanese aesthetics with the elegant practicality of Scandinavian design.

Noble velvet adorns sofasNew Home Decor Trends For 2023

Home textiles similarly advocate natural fibers, textures as untreated as possible and discreet shades. Obviously, worn effect rugs won’t go out of fashion for the next year or so. The window treatments are very delicate and barely visible, while the decorative accent falls on the upholstery of the armchairs and above all – the sofas. The fabric sofa remains unmistakable, however, we also notice the leather, especially when examining the 2023 home decor trends which are inspired by the 70s and the 80s. Of course, if you go for the luxury par excellence, you will not go wrong. no opting for aristocratic velvet.

Decoration trends 2023 and colorful paletteNew Home Decor Trends For 2023

We have already looked at the colors in vogue in the world of fashion, but what about the adornments of the interiors of our homes? The 2023 decoration trends related to colors are totally splendid and there are all kinds! From the pristine pure white walls to the bold dark paintings of the blue-green range that immediately catch the eye, you are sure to find your genre.

Deep dark colors are nickel!New Home Decor Trends For 2023

Here is, above, a good example of marriage of impressive colors which will be all the rage during the year to follow. When you know which elements to superimpose them to enhance them and so that the whole results harmonious, the decorative result is absolutely classy! Here, the picture frame, the lampshade of the table lamp and the brass-finished bedside table shine with all their ornamental force thanks to the purple and black that surround them.

Of course, a black wall paint is not an option that everyone would dare, even if it is only in the bedroom… For the less daring, we recommend the same colors, but used only as accents. Painting a door or window joinery in graphite, duck blue, verdigris or sage is awesome and at the same time it’s less imposing than a full wall painting, isn’t it?

Top decorating trends 2023: an indoor gardenNew Home Decor Trends For 2023

In 2023, green plants and even potted trees will continue to make their way inside the house. They are becoming more and more abundant and it is safe to say that some bedrooms and several living rooms are beginning to recall real urban jungles! And that’s quite normal: who wouldn’t want to adopt the positive attitude oriented towards organic decoration? Indoor plants purify and cool the air and they bring nature’s calm indoors, don’t they?

Likewise, have you noticed that potted plants have the effect of a living work of art when arranged on a beautiful shelf or a pretty side table? This feeling of “breathing sculpture” is even more powerful when the size of the plant is larger. However, be careful: when the plant species are too numerous or when they are not well grouped, the room can appear like a greenhouse and the atmosphere loses its comfort. So analyze the space and try various locations instead of just putting the pots on the windowsill.

Certainly, this is one of the most aesthetic and useful 2023 decoration trends at the same time! However, would you dare to take the plunge and give it a try if you’re concerned that you don’t have a green thumb? Don’t worry, just select a few of the less finicky, that is, the hardest to kill. Mother-in-law’s tongue (Sansevieria), false philodendron (Monstera deliciosa) or rubber tree (Ficus elastica) are good examples. Ultimately, taking care of plants should be an enjoyable, useful and relaxing hobby, not a source of anxiety!

Growing edible plants is all the rage!New Home Decor Trends For 2023

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To further develop the magnificent idea of lush greenery at home, we turn our gaze to home gardening. Yes, making your own garden of aromatic herbs and even your DIY indoor vegetable garden is very fashionable today! This tendency is one of the phenomena associated with living in confinement when we all started to severely miss walks, greenery and fresh air. Not only do we feel more at ease when we are surrounded by plants, but we also appreciate the ecological activity of planting them, growing them, even reaping the fruits.

On the diametrically opposite side of living decorations, there is another deco trend which is a hit and which will continue in 2023. It is indeed bouquets and wreaths in frankly wonderful dried flowers! The good news is, you don’t necessarily have to spend the money to try the current in question. You just have to go for a walk around town and you will find plenty of specimens to pick. Air dry them in a dark room, arrange them in a beautiful vase and voila!

Home decor trends 2023: the chic workspaceNew Home Decor Trends For 2023

We have already mentioned some effects of the pandemic and of the quarantine in particular such as the cultivation of edible plants at home. This is therefore a point which is linked to the previous one. Containment has shown us that working from the kitchen table or the sofa is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous for health. At a time when a good number of employees have switched to teleworking, the question of a comfortable home office, but also elegant, arises sharply and becomes ever more relevant.

If no renovations are planned at this time, start by rearranging the furniture to create more available space. There is surely a quiet and bright corner somewhere for a small desk and an ergonomic chair. People set up a desk in a closet even! And if you can’t find that quiet corner in the bedroom or living room, you can always turn the balcony away and turn it into a dream teleworking station!

Smart and decorative lightingNew Home Decor Trends For 2023

As the New Year dawns, people will be looking for ways to make their homes a comfortable and functional living space. For example, replacing regular incandescent bulbs with smart lighting options saves you money. By installing an LED light dimmer, you will also be able to create an ambiance to suit your needs, whether it is a Zoom meeting, a family dinner or just a relaxing evening in the living room.

The “grand-millennial” styleNew Home Decor Trends For 2023

This style has slowly started to take off this year, but the ‘grand-millennial’ will enjoy ever greater vogue as we move into 2023. In short, this unique design trend is about appreciating traditional style from a point of view. modern view. You can expect to see tasteful antique decor, a vintage mirror on the wall, lots of brass and wicker, and an amazing variety of textures, patterns, and colors. We can say that the grand-millennial is the new bohemian style, decidedly eclectic, sometimes chic and shocking, but never boring.

Author and editor. I write about Interior designs, Beauty tips, IT services for business, Real estate and architectures. Strongly passionate about games, comics, art, design, fashion and decoration, I will tell you in detail the best stories in the world of beauty and will guide you through the most popular trends of the moment.

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