10 Decoration Trends That Are Going To Bomb In 2023

2023 will present new perspectives in terms of decorating trends, but we will also have others that are not new, because they have already bombed in the last year and will continue to be super high.

Remember when I talked about Hygge, the lifestyle of the Danes that celebrates pleasure and well being in the small things of everyday life? It has been used worldwide and now in 2023, many of the trends we will see will be based on this concept of comfort and warmth.

Contrary to popular belief, decorating trends are not established by mere chance; there are studies and research that analyze various behavioral areas and, based on the results, it is possible to make a projection of what is to come in various cultural aspects – fashion, beauty and even interior decoration.

So, let’s check out what’s going to blow in new decoration trends in 2023?

Main Decoration Trends 2023

1. Neutral and Natural Tones

Neutral tones work well on the issue of warmth, so they’ll be all set in 2023. Earthy neutrals like beige, nude and fendi are good bets.New Decoration Trends 2019

Some greyish colors (not necessarily shades of gray, but colors that draw a more grayish nuance), as well as beautiful, are being extensively explored indoors. Millennial Pink, which broke out in 2022, appeared in Milan Mobile Week in burnt tones and this is the bet for 2023. Another color that has drawn a lot of attention is the sage, which was pointed by Pinterest as one of the colors most searched in 2022 and promises to come with everything this year.New Decoration Trends 2019

2. Urban Jungle

The accelerated life in the big cities made more and more green present in our lives as a respite of relief to the “jungles of stone.” And it is not enough to have only one or two vines in the house; the business now is to build a small home forest!New Decoration Trends 2019

If you like this trend, I have a column here on the blog that can help. In each post, I talk about a particular species and give tips on how you can decorate your home with them. Then give a check that has a lot of cool information.

3. Hand Made

In 2022, the handmade came with force in the main exhibitions of decoration around the world and Brazil could not be left out. After all, the craft has shaped (and molds to this day) our culture and ignoring this in interior decoration would even up a disrespect.New Decoration Trends 2019

Therefore, everything done by hand will continue to be exploited also in 2023, but more and more with a more sophisticated language. And not just craft techniques, but the practice of DIY (Do It Yourself) also goes into this statistic. Painting the walls of your home, giving new faces to old furniture and even putting together little furniture are just a few examples of how you can decorate your home without having to hire any services.

4. Palpable Textures

The use of textures is always a joker in the decoration, but in 2023 they will come with one more thing: tactile sensations. Fabrics with high relief, use of velvet, which was already high, carpets high, matelassê (which is super high, inclusive); all textures that are palpable will be widely used in 2023. And exploring tactile sensations in interior decoration is yet another way to strengthen our connection to it. I doubt you’ve ever seen anything beautiful in a store and did not want to touch it.New Decoration Trends 2019

5. Maximalism

Here, we can say that a paradigm break begins, because the minimalist decoration has gained a lot of strength in the last years, motivated, even, by several digital influencers in the social networks. Now it’s time to forget the maxim “less is more” because large volumes – and quantities – come with everything.New Decoration Trends 2019

The maximalism presented in the major design and decoration shows came in several respects. One of them, and what is great to explore in our homes, is the use of large prints; the larger the surface where it is, the more you can see its magnitude, so using wallpapers with very large drawings is a good option.New Decoration Trends 2019

Big furniture also falls into this maxi concept; instead of having several small pieces, choose only one, only much bigger. In practice, an example I can give is with regard to sofas. There are people who still wear sets of 2 and 3 places – and worse, sometimes they still manage to put 3 sofas in the room. Aesthetically, using only a very large model is worth more than 3 small ones.

6. Geometric Standards

It’s been a long time since they were up and I think they will not be out anytime soon. What has been gaining strength lately is the use of floors with differentiated geometric patterns, especially the spine of fish (I already explained that floor pagination in this post, it is worth to take a look later) and hexagonal.New Decoration Trends 2019

The latter may even be mixed with hardwood floors – the installer will not like to do so much cutting, but believe me, the result is worth the effort!New Decoration Trends 2019

7. Natural Materials

Again, the warmth dictating another of the decor trends in 2023. Natural materials such as straw and rattan promise to be stars of great environments. These elements, by themselves, pass on an appearance of comfort, of rescue to the past and of simplicity.New Decoration Trends 2019

The apparent wood also enters this question, but in the next seasons, it is the rustic wood that will give the air of grace. Increasingly, darker shades of wood are once again prominent in interior decoration, and the more gross and uneven the better.New Decoration Trends 2019

8. Metal Mix

That copper, gold and rose gold are in fashion, that everyone is already bald to know. The novelty now is that these metal finishes are being used together and mixed together. If you die of love for all of them but have difficulty choosing a favorite, now there is no more excuse, use all!New Decoration Trends 2019

In addition to the three I mentioned, the oxidized textures are also super modern and have recently gained strength, especially in floor and wall coverings.New Decoration Trends 2019

9. Wabi-Sabi

I bet this will be one of the favorite decorating trends of many people. Wabi-sabi is an ancient Japanese philosophy that celebrates the beauty of the imperfect. Forget the symmetrical, it has long since fallen; the wave now is to show small defects and irregularities, and to show any mark that time prints on the materials.New Decoration Trends 2019

Here are some examples of how to explore the wabi-sabi in practice: instead of leaving the blanket on your couch tight and tight, leave it a bit messy (I showed you how in this video ). At your table, opt for more irregular ceramic dishes, they are pumping and bring a touch of contemporary at mealtime. Rustic furniture made of rough, rough wood is also an option.New Decoration Trends 2019

10. Furta-Color And Iridescence

Have you ever heard of sirenism? In the last few years, this has been much explored in the fashion world (you probably already have seen those half-face make-up that simulates fish scales). There was no other, the interior decoration surrendered to the concept too.

However, our context is a bit less queer than fashion. Objects and coatings color and iridescent finishes are the ways to explore, indoors, this very different concept. Household items such as steal-colored flatware, for example, are super trendy. I do not know about you, but of all the trends of decoration 2023 that I showed, for me, this is the most clueless. Wonderful, I would say.New Decoration Trends 2019

What about you? What do you think of this subject? Which of these decorating trends would you use in your home and which would you ever have?

Author and editor. I write about Interior designs, Beauty tips, IT services for business, Real estate and architectures. Strongly passionate about games, comics, art, design, fashion and decoration, I will tell you in detail the best stories in the world of beauty and will guide you through the most popular trends of the moment.

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